HIVE Stock Images: Mushrooms

in Stock Images4 years ago (edited)

New Hive community The Stock Images was created.
Check the intro post / images index post.
To be brief, the idea is to create the pool of images free-to-use within the Hive. In this post I contribute to it medicinal mushroom images, and some others.

'Quiet hunt' for the mushrooms -- a great foraging stuff that nature gives us.

Porcini -- 1st grade edible mushrooms! Very foragable. Great to consume them fried, and also keep pickled or dried.

Leccinus Auracantum (aka Redhead) -- a great edible mushroom.


Amanita sp. are controversial fungi -- there are different species, ones are edible, others are deadly toxic, some have very important medical qualities.

Extremely toxic mushroom Amanita phalloides. Know your enemy!




Nature have created no useless things! If you think those toxic Amanita muscaria mushrooms are unedible and thus they are useless, you are wrong! They may be good and even very important for other nature's creatures, but not the man. Stop being 'humanocentristic' thinking about nature.

Baby toad, young toadstool - Amanita muscaria.


Amanitas muscaria that grow around the birches, are known to have the most stunning and splendid, picturesque outlook! Like this one.


In case you have doubts check up this post about foraging Amanitas. This guy is still here, and continue his posting after consuming it :P


all images taken by me, copyright by @qwerrie

Terms of use for these images:

  • Ensure you credit me, @qwerrie as the creator of the image.
  • You may not use this image for purposes off the Hive Chain.
  • You may use image as a header, add text and modify any way you like.
  • If you wish to licence this image for other purposes off chain, or get the hi-res version (up to 3000-4000px), contact me via comments or at discord qwerrie#3288


to my other Hive Stock images posts (left for the future)


Oh gosh, that baby toad! That's just the cutest!

heh, it posed me a lot, I've got plenty of photos to share. but seems to me, they do not fit well into the 'medicinal' subject... arent they?..

If you wanted to post directly to the Stock Images community, you can choose to post whatever you want. This post is a drive for natural medicine images, but three ate plenty of other images being shared.

Here are the links for the Stock Images community on Peakd and Hive.

very beautiful mushrooms.... and colourful images. thanks for sharing with everyone, this free stock idea was superb.

I agree, the idea is lying at the very surface. but its the realization, will need fair efforts - both from the community founders, and, mostly, from contributers. (its si easy just to drom some sh..t and law quality unsuitable left-overs. TNKS for the kind words, glad you enjoyed my input!

I just looove your mushroom images, they are simply stunning, thank you for sharing them here!

a pleasure to hear your kind words. I definitely will do more posts!

That amanita bath is priceless :-)

i have more baths ... just no visitors. 1 little froggie and 1 little load were all I have. (hot days here, no rains, no frogs around. probably they all are hiding). otherwise I would make more priceless pics, and would sell them for no price to nobody :P

Trick is to bring a bottle of water with you and a bag full of caught toads to place them strategically for good shots.

haha! an intresting idea. so, it eventually brings us to a question "where one can get a bag full of patient toads. the toads or frogs too active would not benefit for good macros ). and that quite complex question. but I agree, it could help.... actually, it helped me all of the times! but I used only one toad, no "bag" in my posession :)

Amazing photos!! Will definitely be using!!

thanks! my pleasure. (more posts will follow to the Stock community, i promise).

omg these are amazing!!! I love the one with the frog! Congratulations for being this week's winner - I'll send some HIVE through soon!

glad you enjoyed it. part 2, and 3, will follow, one day!

Awesome shots! Love the little toad, of course. 🐸 But the mushrooms on their own are really eye-catching, as well.

Posted using Dapplr

вчера я последний раз вкусил красного мухомора и заготовил на зиму сухих.
Но речь только о красных ))

а я... не заготовил на зиму ничего :(
увы. кроме фотографий... :( :( :(

был сегодня на Удельной, продают молодые боровики, значит слой вышел на перешейке

значит, третий уже в этом году?..
тепло, дожди... что-то не могло не вырасти.
как там барахолка на Удельной, уже вернулась на свое место, нет?

на барахолку не заглядывал, другие дела были. Я здесь только один слой застал белых, небольшой, но попал удачно. Вот думаю, надо по боровичкам пробежаться

конечно надо, если погода будет на нашей стороне.
я на дачу еще 1 раз наверное съезжу в сентябре,
закрыть ее, и все : *(

погода не важна, важно, чтобы грибы росли))

Hey @qwerrie, here is a little bit of BEER from @bambuka for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @bambuka, here is a little bit of BEER from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 48 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!