Electrocars exhibition

in Photography28 days ago

No, of course, I gave the photo report to the editor more or less adequate! And for myself, I selected pictures where only chips, jokes and creative techniques are used.


This is all for the sake of experiment – will a photo essay be interesting purely in an abstract way, where everything is based only on tricks.

I even had to dilute this collection with ordinary photos.

This is the very example when you do something not only for work, but also for yourself.

First, I shoot everything as usual, and when I am sure that I have collected enough photographic material to satisfy the editorial board's request, I go into experiments.

I immediately turn on the freedom inside of me and remove only what steals my attention.

I am completely disconnected from the creative task.

I've been using this in all my reports for a long time...at least, where there is such an opportunity.

All the cars were prepared externally for the exhibition, which means they were washed and polished.

I was attracted by reflections and details.

Even in more or less ordinary frames, my intention in searching for reflections can be traced.

Such frames also need to be shown to the editor – most likely one or two will get into the publication.

The interesting thing is that no matter what wave I am on, I always use those creative approaches to shooting that are characteristic of this creative wave.

For example, on the reportage wave, these are tricks and techniques.

And in the wake of the spotted street, I use this technique in a reportage. Even at the Victory Day parade, I can see and capture graphics or spots. In general, all the techniques are good!