PhotoGraphics plots

I was asked a question here, when is my peak of creativity? Was it there, did I feel a decline or was I just going up? At first I thought about it and couldn't find an answer for a long time, and then I remembered that I write about it every year.


A couple of times a year I have moments of creative burnout when I don't want to photograph anything or I want to, but I don't see any plots.

And also a couple of times a year I have such ups that I eagerly take off everything in a row.

It turns out that I have these peaks and troughs several times a year.

Now I feel at my peak and I shoot a lot, and the recession was in winter. But towards the end of the summer there will be another recession.

It is ok. It's cyclical.

And after each downturn, a new creative upsurge begins, in which I learn something new every time and open up even more.

Recessions happen by themselves, as if nature knows when I need to rest so that I can create with renewed vigor.

And if you take it globally, it seems to me that I have not reached the peak yet.

I feel like I'm constantly evolving and not standing in one place like many photographers I know.

If there is such a feeling, then so far everything is fine and everything is going in the right direction!


I agree with ya mate, as long as we don't forget the art is all about that constant and incremental improvement and we never really stop learning, you'll consistently be outperforming your peers.