Benefits of Maman Lanang (Cleome rutidosperma) for health.


Maman lanang or also known as purple maman or male maman is a weed plant that is often found in oil palm plantations and other plantations. This plant, which belongs to the Cleomaceae family, contains various bioactive compounds that promise health benefits.

Members of the Cleomaceae family, including maman lanang, contain thioglucosides (glucosinolates) which can release isothiocyanates (essential oils) if the plant is destroyed.
Apart from that, this plant also has the potential to contain alkaloids and flavonoids. Although scientific research regarding the efficacy of Cleome rutidosperma is still limited, this compound shows potential as an anticancer.



The alkaloid and flavonoid content in maman lanang has the potential to act as a negative regulator of oncogenes and a positive regulator of tumor suppressor genes, such as the p53 protein and the Retinoblastoma protein (pRb). The Rb protein can bind to the E2F protein, thereby inhibiting the cell cycle, thereby preventing cancer cells from multiplying at a certain stage.

Another example of an alkaloid that has anticancer properties is that found in periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) which is able to stop mitosis of cancer cells in the metaphase phase.




In addition to its anticancer potential, Cleome rutidosperma essential oil also has skin irritating activity and may also have contact allergic effects. This compound can also function as a natural antifeedant, a substitute for herbicides for Brassica plant pests, such as Plutella xylostella.

Overall, although further research is still needed, maman lanang shows great potential in the health sector, especially in the development of cancer treatments and plant pest control.

Friends of all the Natural Medicine community, I want to share information about maman lanang weed that I found with the help of Wikipedia. I have summarized this information for our beloved community.


CameraSmarphone + Macro Lens
CategoryMacro Photography.
ObjeckMaman Lanang.
LocationAceh Sumatara.

Thank you for sharing that. It is great to learn about new herbs that I'm not familiar with.