"Wedang bir pletok" Healthy traditional drinks

Hello everyone in natural medicine..
Hopefully, in the state of the healthy and happy always.today I will make a drink that comes from the herbs and spices of choice that is good for the health of the body.minunan I recommend this for our read this post.

This drink is a drink typical of betawi ethnic group on the island of java indonesia. This tribe is a tribe that is located in the vicinity of the capital of the state, namely the city of Jakarta. This drink is a drink traditionally has incredible benefits for our health. Among the benefits of the traditional drinks betawi this is :

  1. Increase stamina
    2.relieve throat
  2. Blood circulation
    4.warm bodies



This drink certainly has a name, namely "wedang bir pletok" this drink is red like a beer drink alcohol, but this drink is not intoxicating but this drink serves to nourish the body.because the ingredients of this drink is :
Jahr, cinnamon, cardamom, lemongrass, lime leaves, secsng, clove, pandan leaves, leaves, nutmeg, pepper and sugar cubes.

Above is the composition of the drink wedang beer pletok this, we can see that the material used is a material that comes from nature and can be planted and flourish in indonesia, Indonesia is rich in natural resources such as material material of natural medicine that actually a lot not knowing a lot of medicinal plants that are around us.

Because this drink is coming from Jakarta, and yet there is in, then this brew me a message through the online store and up until about 3 days. Patient enough to wait to feel this healthy drink, but it doesn't matter because it was like once with a healthy drink. The benefits gained too much for health if taken regularly. What distinguishes this drink is the taste of the cinnamon of his more dominating. Different with a drink wedang other is dominated by the taste of ginger. In the composition of this drink is also a ginger, but lost with cinnamon.

This drink is wrapped with a bag in his already full with the materials that have been created by the seller, so we stay boil use a pan with a dose of one glass for one wrap. After boiling don't forget we stir stir so that the extracts from the herbs and spices of his out. So my mother also want to feel healthy this drink is for two and we equally enjoy the warmth of the drink wedanh beer pletok this. The plan I will order again for me for the future. Moments are very beautiful when I see the smile of my mother when drink wedang this.

For the health of the we must always keep before coming the same pain the same we know that the cost of treatment is quite expensive and delicious healthy we should syukurin.for the health we have to do and everything from food and drinks that are good for health to stay awake from a variety of diseases is becoming more and more of its kind. For it is true the saying goes that it is better to prevent than to treat. Before the onset of regrets in the future.

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