Bitshares BEET Multi-wallet v0.17.1 release is out! Huzzah!

in BitShares3 months ago


What is the Beet wallet?

Beet is a stand-alone key/identity-manager and signing app for Bitshares based blockchains!

So, what's the news?

The Bitshares BEET multi-wallet has released a new client version v0.17.1!

I'd recommend updating to this version if you've not yet been trying out the recent release candidates, as there are worthwhile improvements to try out!

Here's the changelog!

  • Localized 3 new operations introduced by the Suez core update
  • Fixed the create/update asset operation beautify function
  • Fixed collateral bidding beautify function
  • Fixes an issue with the Bitcoin address account sign up method
  • Introduced an optional receipt window prompt for once a transaction has been successfully broadcast onto the blockchain.
  • Introduced a new page for uploading local JSON files, so as to workaround the maximum URL length limits imposed by webview, enabling airdrops onto tens of thousands of users with a single Beet prompt.
  • Multiple package version updates to improve stability and security
  • Optimizations to blockchain connections
  • Perform blockchain lookups in batches so as to avoid locking the UI when the prompt includes tens of thousands of operations.

Here's an insight into Bitshares Beet development!


I've achieved 76k additional lines of code and 51k deleted lines of code, not bad! :D

So what is next for the Bitshares Beet wallet?

Check out the BeetEOS repository!

This project aims to advance Beet's technology in these areas:

  • Additional EOS based blockchains
  • Fully implemented electron context isolation for enhanced cyber security. This was a huge refactor of the application, resulting in 114 changed files, 33.6k+ additional LOC and 6k removed LOC!
  • A dedicated web query page - avoiding creating web servers on app launch!
  • Removed legacy trigger on login
  • Further Bitshares testnet functionality - asset lookup, full prompt support.
  • Remove mitt injected emitter usage throughout most of the app, in favour of using vue's built in defined emitter functionality.
  • Updating multiple packages which introduced breaking changes!

A new BeetEOS release with all the above will be coming out within the next few days hopefully, I've verified raw deeplinks, totp deeplinks and local json prompts work, only the QR code functionality left to fully verify.

Comment below if you've got any questions about the Beet multi-wallet.

Go install the latest Bitshares Beet multiwallet release candidate!

These developments were brought to you by the NFTEA Gallery.

Consider collecting an NFTEA NFT to support continued Bitshares developments.

Don't have a Bitshares account? Make one today!