A simple Ban Mian soup for my dinner

in Foodies Bee Hive โ€ข last month

There are times when craving for something simple is the best that will happen for me on a specific day. A simple soup like Ban Mian is good enough to satisfy my craving for tonight.

I wouldn't have imagined that dried anchovies would pair nicely with noodles with minced pork. This combination works well with the subtle flavor and taste of the soup. The soup is bland but the ingredients that gave it the flavors that made this dish one of the popular dishes here in the city.

Whenever I eat this dish, I usually start by snacking some of the dried anchovies. It's salty and crunchy. What else would make this food better...

The next ingredient that I will eat on its own is the Chinese cabbage otherwise known as Bok Choy. It's crunchy and it has a subtle fresh leaves taste to it. It's a quality that makes me appreciate ingredients like this one.

Of course, the minced meat that lump together is the one that gave this dish the rich flavor taste. It's the ingredient that gave the dish the fatty and tasty flavor.

Lastly, the ingredient that made this dish "eatable". It's the flat & curly noodles that soaked all the flavors of the ingredients. I like this type of noodle because it feels substantial while chewing on it. It also has a smooth quality that makes it one of the best noodle dishes that I have tried before.

The best part of this meal is that the price is relatively low compared to other types of noodles. It's a good food and it's also affordable!

My journey to the world of food.


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Thanks so much for the support. Appreciate it :)

Thi soup looks really good and healthy ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹