Ma'amual the popular sweet from Arabian world.

in Foodies Bee Hivelast month

Hello friends and food lovers! I want to share with you my recipe which is the participation in the contest from #foodiesbeehive community. The Ma'amual, is a popular sweet treat (date-filled cookies) throughout the Arab world. This dessert is typically made with a filling of dried fruits such as figs and dates, along with nuts like pistachios or walnuts (and sometimes almonds). It's often served during holidays like Ed-Al-Fitr, Easter, and Purim.

I love this sweet because it reminds me of the taste of Indian sweets, as I am from India and very skeptical about what I eat. I found in this recipe all the ingredients are vegetarian. Plus, it's delicious, healthy, and easy to make!

I first discovered Ma'amual many years ago when I met a friend in Austria during a German language class. On the last day of class, everyone brought their national dessert or special food, and my friend brought Ma'amual. Her cookies were made with semolina, flour, butter, sugar, dates, nuts, and spices. They were very tasty and attractive, so I asked her for the recipe, and she was kind enough to share it.

Nowadays, you can find thousands of these recipe versions on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. I prefer the easiest and simplest method with basic ingredients. The process is straightforward, but taking photos (especially selfies) can be time-consuming and distracting! So it looks like a very complicated recipe but it is not.

300 grams semolina
60 grams of white flour
2 tbsp. milk powder
70 grams ghee clarified butter
1/4 cup avocado oil
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp dried yeast
50-grams sugar
pinch of salt
few drops of rose water.

For fillings
300 grams of date paste
1 tsp butter
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1/4 tsp nutmeg powder

Some mixture of nuts mixes 1 tbsp pistachios, 1 tbsp almonds, 1 tbsp walnuts 1 tbsp date paste chopped and mixed.

Start with soaking semolina in the ghee(ghee is melted at room temperature.)
In a bowl, combine semolina, ghee, and oil until semolina clumps together.
cover the bowl and keep aside for 10-15 minutes.

Mix 70 ml water in the sugar with a few drops of rose water.
prepare yeast mix yeast sugar and 2 tbsp warm water, and keep aside.
chop and mix nuts with date paste.

In 250 grams of date paste add 1/4 tsp nutmeg powder.
Add 1 tsp of cinnamon powder and a small amount of butter to the mixture to avoid stickiness. Mix well until it forms a cohesive mixture. cover and keep aside.

After 15 minutes semolina is soaked in ghee and oil.
Add flour, baking powder, a pinch of salt, and milk powder.

Mix the dried ingredients thoroughly.
Add yeast water, add sugar water, and knead using hand into a soft dough

Cover the mixture and set it aside for approximately 1 hour. Take a break and engage in other activities to relax during this time.

After 45 minutes make a walnut size balls from date paste and nuts mixture.

Now we have fillings balls and dough.

Taking a walnut-sized piece of dough, create a cup with the dough, fill it with one ball of date paste or nut mixture, then gather the sides together.

carefully shape a ball filled with the fillings.
Flatten it.
And help of mold press it into cookie form.

If don't have mold use a fork or spoon to make them nicer.

Here ma'amual is ready to go in the oven.

Bake all Ma'amual for 15-18 minutes at 220 C in a preheated oven. The time can vary from oven to oven. Check after 12 minutes as they may turn dark.

Enjoy these delicious Ma'amual cookies with a crispy outside and soft inside.
Thank you very much for stopping by This is my work and my original content. :)


I love this kind of sweet. You did such a great job and that press made them look so perfect and pretty. Good luck!

Thank you very much, dear friend :)

what a coincidence. i happened to be eating one of these delicious treats when i came across your post

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That soo nice.:)

!discovery 37

Thank you. :)

These look tasty, and are so beautiful with the cookie press design! Thanks for sharing the photos and recipe with us! 😊

Thank you for your support. they are really tasty. I am glad you like it :)


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Thank you very much. @foodiesbeehive and @sirenahippie Greetings. :)

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Thank you very much :)

Thanks a lot. :)

That sweet looks delicious, thanks for sharing your recipe.

They are also very delicious to look at. What is special in our city is Suna Halwa and whenever people come from other countries or other cities, they definitely try it.

Thank you very much. Definitely I will try many countries sweet :)

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Wow how beautiful it is! Especially I like the one pistachio on top. And it is interesting that there is a similar sweets in China called "moon cake".

I will try your recipe 😊

Congratulation. your foodie post (Typical Sweets and Desserts), has been selected by Foodies Bee Hive community! @sagarkothari88 reward 0.05 HP

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