How do restaurants serve broaster chicken in your country? I show you how it is in mine

One of the wonderful things about the world of gastronomy is that we can find variants of the same recipe in different countries around the world. Chicken, for example, is one of those elements that have thousands of recipes and ways of cooking, in fact, I believe that everyone could invent a way to make it, since due to its texture and protein nature, it is susceptible and friendly to receive a wide variety of ingredients and contours that usually turn out well. So, in every country in the world there is surely a way to make chicken broaster, which is the central theme of this post.

I have had the opportunity to eat chicken broaster in two different countries, Peru and Venezuela, and well, during my time in the Inca country I could realize that they are specialists in cooking chicken since it is perhaps the most used protein in Peruvian cuisine. So, there the broaster chicken is usually served with french fries and a salad composed mostly of lettuce, carrots and very little tomato. I want to point out that in my experience in the different Peruvian restaurants I have been to, I could notice that the quality is quite consistent, but the most interesting fact is that they do not skimp on serving a large amount of potatoes, in fact, I almost never finished eating them, so that is certainly a great point in favor.


Now, how do they serve it in Venezuela, well, I will show you my most recent experience which was at the famous restaurant “Pollo Rico” which is located on Bolivar Avenue in the city of Maracay in front of the Parque Aragua Shopping Center. The first thing that came to our tables was the salad, this is popularly known as shredded salad and is composed of cabbage in large quantities, a little carrot and a few leaves of cilantro. This salad has many ways of being dressed, but this one in particular I detected a good amount of mayonnaise, salt, sugar and a touch of mustard. In the photo you can see that it is not at all dietary, but what I can assure you is that it was delicious, the sweet contrasts helped a lot to restart the palate.



The other element is the french fries, as you can see they are nothing special, but at least they were crispy and soft, it was noticeable that they were freshly made and I can tell you that they had the right amount of salt. However, taking into account that we ordered a whole chicken, I was disappointed by the small amount of fries we were served, since one chicken should serve at least 4 people, and well, in the picture you can confirm that it is a portion for about 2 people.



Last but not least, we have the broaster chicken and I will start by telling you that the first thing I noticed in comparison to the broaster chicken they serve in Peru, is that there was very little skin, and well, that doesn't bother me in particular, but I know that many would have liked it to have it. The rest is basically the same, it is a chicken that is breaded with wheat flour and spices according to the restaurant's recipe and then fried at high temperatures. I must say that the flavor was very good, it was noticeable that it had a good amount of spices, but they did not invade the palate. It was not over fried, but it was not raw either, so a positive point.



So, I can tell you that my experience in the restaurant “Pollo Rico” was quite positive and I would say that I will return, but if I do I would order something different and not because I am dissatisfied with the fried chicken, but because I could see that they offer a wide range of meals composed of meats and chicken that will surely be interesting to taste. The chicken broaster was accompanied by a cold Solera Verde beer. The total cost was about 15 USD$ not including other service charges. Now tell me, how do restaurants serve chicken broaster in your country?




-Used tools and Credits:

- Photo with: Samsung Galaxy A32
- Translator: DeepL Translate



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How are you dear friend @musicandreview good morning
What you say is very true, and it is what I love about gastronomy, that everything is based on the knowledge and creativity of the chef.
How great that you have had the opportunity to try the same dish in two countries, that expands our culinary tasting experience.
I love what you ordered, and compared to the dollar value of Argentina, it was very convenient, here for $15,000 four people can't eat
Thank you very much for sharing this experience

Ok, good that you gave me the estimated price in Argentina, I wanted to make the comparison, so I know it was not so expensive.

Thanks for your support!

Hello @musicandreview
The salad looks exquisite, I have never seen a preparation like this, the chicken and fries are my favorites

It is a very traditional salad here in Venezuela, and yes, it is indeed very good. I understand that chicken and potatoes are your favorite, for me these are too.