Delicious Ghee Podi Idli at Rameshwaram Cafe!


I had been seeing pictures and posts about the Rameshwaram Cafe all over social media from the past few months. Naturally I was curious to know what was all the hype about. So, when I was in B'lore, I decided to try it out and know for myself.

I had heard that Ghee Podi Idli was a popular dish at this place. So, I ordered this along with Ghee Podi Masala Dosa (another popular dish here) and a cuppa filter kaapi(coffee).


The place has got an open kitchen and I was observing how they prepared the dishes. The main difference I noticed here was addition of Ghee (clarified butter) and it wasn't a few drops like you'd expect at a restaurant.

In fact, they din't even bat an eye to empty half a packet of ghee on your order. Yes, they were pouring ghee like you'd pour water into your mouth when thirsty.

The idli was soft but I didn't feel there was anything special in it compared to the other restaurants. The chutney pudi(orange powder on top of the idli) and the green chutney tasted delicious though.


I enjoyed savouring Idli-Chutney but there was still one more snack to eat- Ghee Podi Masala Dosa. Just like Idli-Chutney, they didn't hesitate pouring 1/4 a packet of ghee on the Masala Dosa.

By now I had already consumed enough ghee and so when I was halfway through finishing Dosa, I felt pukish. Too much of anything is never a good idea. But still I managed to finish the Dosa.

Then came the coffee. It was strong and woke me up from my sleepy state with an electric shock. I had no complaints about the coffee and it was just as it should have been.

Overall, I felt that it was normal food but the addition of ghee was what made it tastier compared to other places and hence it got the hype. I'd rate it 7.5/10 in terms of taste and the quality of food.

You should give it a try when you are in Bangalore and wanna grab some snacks.