
Congrats on the launch everyone!

Posted using CineTV

There are large sections of the new frontend that are entrirely illegible. Dark fonts on a dark background esentially make them invisible on the post summaries found the main page.

Posted using CineTV

Hey, thanks for your response. This is valuable information for us. Nor is it what you should see. Have you tried reloading the page (hold down shft and click the reload button at the top left of the browser)?

If you tried that and the same problem still occurs, could you take a screenshot for us and let us know which browser you are using?

Posted using CineTV

Here's an example of output in the Brave browser. The whole lower region is practically invisible. Dark on dark does not work.

Is there not a light theme to make it more legible like the old design?

Posted using CineTV

Thank you for your response. I will sent this to our devs.


This is how it should be.

Posted using CineTV

Mine didn't have the darker lettering like he saw, maybe it was a mobile thing because I was on PC but - great job y'all.

Thanks for your reply. Maybe that can cause it ... we'll investigate where the issue is coming from. And we'll make sure to get it right for everyone to enjoy.

Happy Launch Day!!!!


Posted using CineTV

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very exciting!

Posted using CineTV

We are so very excited that the new front end is launched and available for everyone to utilize!

I know Danielle Radcliffe is an extremely talented and versatile actor, but I have a hard time seeing him as anything other than Harry....I know that is a bit shallow of me, but it is what it is lolol I will say he is an extremely funny and entertaining person in interviews and seems very genuine and down to earth.


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Yes! Congrats on the new frontend. I've been looking forward to this. Looks super cool. Well done, team! 🥳

Posted using CineTV

Goin check out the new interface😁


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As for Radcliffe, I saw him in a funny ass show recently called 'WEIRD' about Weird Al Yankovic that took me a minute to realize he was Harry Potter. 😂


i've been wanting to check that out, but haven't gotten around to it yet....them fish biting yet??? lolol

Trout are, yes! They just stocked the local lake over here and I am going to do my best to get over there and snatch some rainbows😁🐟

Did you hear about the alarm clock convention?
Total snooze fest.

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Gratz on the frontend launch!



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