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RE: New CDC Report Destroys Scamdemic: COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate of 0.26% (Like the Flu)

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

O he's sorry for me, lol the guy thinks it's a conspiracy that there exists ZeRo TrEaTmEnTs for the flu, o he gave me information about resting in bed and drinking lots of fluids. What a thoughtful, full of care guy, I tell him there's absolutely no such nonsense, he gives me links that disseminate the very nonsense that ought to be laughed at if presented as "proven treatments", and a Wikipedia page parroting word for word the same 70 year old propaganda as if it hasn't been debunked again and again. And you moron, you came back to respond to a response you already responded to simply to exemplify what a world class hack you are, implying I must not be well to say such things, and then you have the audacity to claim you care. You don't give a fuck you liar. You sit there and act as if the flu vaccine does anything and as if there's treatments when there's not, you don't give a fuck, you care about what EXACTLY, spreading shit you read heard about that confirms your worldview without any bother to be skeptical or critical at all of it, to the point that Fucking BED REST is the one and only treatment? Fucktarded.