Digital ID Legislation Passes in Australia

in Deep Dives15 days ago

This week in Australia the Digital ID Bill passed through the House of Representatives. It had previously been run through the Senate under dubious circumstances where the government controversially pushed the parliamentary debate to the Federation Chamber which is less scrutinized by media. The bill passed with minimal resistance or public debate. No surprise.


The intent behind this bill is to establish a framework for an economy wide digital identity platform which will allow financial institutions and other service providers to conduct secure online transactions. Ok, so what does that mean? While the government has stated that the Digital ID is not going to be “Mandatory” we’ve heard that one before very recently. Likely Australians will soon need a Digital ID to have a Bank Account and access various Government Services (ie, Handouts).

Of course if you don’t want a Bank Account or to access Government Services Handouts then you don’t need a Digital ID. That makes the Digital ID technically not mandatory, but pretty hard to get around for most people. The concern of many amongst the Freedom Movement is that the Digital ID represents a Loss of Privacy and becomes a very important building block for the Central Bank Digital Currency that is planned and it also is a necessary component for implementing Social Credit Scores down the road.

The Australian Government has already pledged $288 million to implement and expand the Digital ID system in the Federal Budget this week so this is coming whether we like it or not. Those of us on HIVE already know that Crypto solves this problem for us but once they have these systems in place it is questionable whether we will we be allowed to have our alternatives. It is fairly obvious that the government intends to crack down on alternative systems not using Digital ID as they can use money laundering and other criminal activities as an excuse. Prepare accordingly.


This has been talked about in many countries already. Here we have until May of next year to get what’s called a REALID. It’s the only way you will be able to fly anywhere. Without it no boarding. What’s next chip implantation in everyone….this is BIG BROTHER shit.

Yeh, they call it different things in different places and implement initially a bit different too.

Same agenda though. The chips will come. Some people are already doing that voluntarily...

Yeah I get it.
Only completely stupid people!!!!

Digital ID and CBDC will eventually become a reality and part of the system in all the countries globally. So we are in that transition period and at some point we will see it. Privacy is a concern for many. I hope people have a choice, because that is the real margin of freedom they have.

Digital id bill can cause problems for people in some cases. This bill will not be of any use to crypto users. They targeted criminals.

Going digital huh.