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RE: Deep Dives 19 | Confirmed Conspiracy Theories | 200 HIVE in Prizes

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

You are certainly entitled to your opinion that I am evil, although it is absurd accusation having never met me and not knowing me. I would reiterate, however, that it is government, not myself that threatens the entire citizenry (at least in my country, America) with force in order to extract taxes without consent, to be used to fund wars that I also do not consent or support. THAT is theft, to fund killing, and THAT is evil. Believe what you want, what the judge would say in a situation is no representative of righteousness, for judges are paid to uphold a system which only exists by forcefully extracting money from people against their will - by robbery.

Drunk drivers are by no means the only people being fined. Also people not wearing masks are currently being given ridiculously expensive fines, people driving without insurance, people not wearing seatbelts, etc. and so on. Most fines are issued for nonviolent infractions.

I will concede that much of humanity is indeed evil, otherwise they would never support governments that initiate unjust force against peaceful people in order to stay in power. Go on believing that governments are inherently good. Can you point to any government that doesn’t support itself through taxation without consent of the ones being taxed? If not, then my point stands. Robbery is wrong no matter who robs who. Your support of one robber because he’s called government only betrays your support of armed robbery. And apparently the war which that robbery (taxation) funds.

Since you want to look at governments individually, I’ll single one government out, the US government, and point to all the wars it is waging for 20 years now, invasion and occupation of foreign countries that never attacked us, and support of al-Qaeda terrorists, and say that is evil. Maybe you disagree and support the killing and destruction of people you’ve never met, but I don’t.

And fyi, Hitler was a democratically elected leader, so the notion that democracies are incapable of carrying out such atrocities in historically incorrect.

As to the individual ideologies, It is the ideology of state supremacy over the individual that remains the same in absolutely every scenario. Nazism/communism/etc. are only different ways to wrap that underlying ideology. Anyone who believes government has the right to force a peaceful person who has not harmed anyone else or their property, to do anything against their will, holds this ideology of state supremacy.

Do you believe governments have the right to compel others to do whatever they want, or do you believe that stops at some line, and if so, what is that line? And who draws that line? And what if that line doesn’t protect you at some point in the future, do you still defend those initiating force against peaceful people?