
"You can't prove me wrong" is the hallmark of an unfalsifiable hypothesis (naked appeal to ignorance).

Dont be a sheep! Dont buy into the CIA narrative! They only want you to think that this isnt true!
Look at building 7! There was no proof of explosives so how could the building fall down like that!
Extraterrestrial unicorns is how! Thats why you cant take the Bill Gates poison vaccine! You will never be able to see the unicorns! You will never be able to communicate with them or save yourself.
DMT right now is the only way to come in contact with them because they poison you with chemtrails so you cant and the new world order wants to to ban it! Why? Because the government wants to keep your prisoner! DMT can be found in the human brain. How can it be bad!

Dont let them fool you. Free your mind!

In other words... Everything you people say is bollocks.