NZ data scientist / whistle-blower claims massive increases in Death Rates at certain vaccine sites in NZ (M.O.A.R release)

in Deep Dives6 months ago (edited)

A New Zealand data scientist and whistle-blower (there has been an update, see end of post) - who Steve Kirsch mentioned today - - has come forward in a video with well known NZ Journalist Liz Gunn - to present information which he says shows a massive increase in death rates in individuals following Covid vaccinations ( this release is being dubbed M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations ( link)- this increase in excess deaths takes place, according to the whistle-blower, at certain vaccine sites in New Zealand.



At one site in the South Island of New Zealand, according to the whistle-blower, 30%+- of the people that took the vaccine are now deceased (a shocking percentage) - if confirmed this data would show that there is something highly anomalous regarding the batches of vaccines themselves.


UPDATE: since the whistle-blower came forward with their data - it turns out that now they are under investigation - the media has also branded Liz Gunn as a conspiracy theorist - even though she is a well-known - iconic - New Zealand journalist and TV personality - a mainstream TV journalist for decades - it has only been recently since she has started talking about the vaccines that she has been branded a "conspiracy theorist".

Note: only a month ago - Liz Gunn was interviewing the deputy Prime-Minster of New Zealand (Link) - but she is still a conspiracy theorist . . .


Here is the article of the “NZ staff member” being investigated (++Link++):

![ "2023-12-01_19-17_1.jpeg"]

![ "2023-12-01_19-22.jpeg"]

![ " "2023-12-01_17-25.jpeg""]

Screenshot: Excess deaths, the silence by John Campbell (July 16th 2023)

The blue / green / yellow lines on the graph are different vaccine batches (pictured below) - the yellow line is very interesting because there was almost no side effects at all - one does wonder who was the receivers of these batches. Of course the biggest question is why are the side effects so different between batches.

This is not the first time that the batches have been shown to vary widely in their effects on the individuals that take them - Dr. John Campbell hosted a Dutch research scientist in July 2023 who confirmed dramatic changes in side effects based solely on the batches that Dutch individuals received (YouTube link**) :

**Video: Excess deaths, the silence by John Campbell (July 16th 2023)

It is worth noting that some researchers have found that the vaccines were contaminated with billions of rogue DNA fragments as well as other compounds - this has been described by some people as an outcome of changing manufacturing processes mid stream - note, that the public was never notified of any changes to the manufacturing process. There are of course other alternative and darker explanations.

If this is true why are government health professionals not speaking out in greater numbers- who know doubt are aware of this data in some form - Steve Kirsch said in his recent lecture that it has to do with plausible deniability - they have to be able to sell the idea that they were "unaware" otherwise they would be legally bound to stop the vaccines. They would also be accountable for monstrous catastrophic malpractice and as the string is unwound, nothing short of being complicit in megacide.

Thus "hear no evil see no evil" is the approach.


All the media in this post prior to the John Campbell video, and after the video after it, do not load.

IMHO, this is the story of the 21st Century. ~30% of jabbed dying regionally is literally a horror show. That is the pandemic: the jabs. Global democide by the NWO, comprised of captured governments and corporations by the banksters through application of bribery, blackmail, and bamboozling.

"...why are the side effects so different between batches."

There is only one possibility if the data is sound: the batches were of different formulations. This has been the obvious reason since the revelation in 2021 that 5% of the batches were responsible for 100% of the deaths for that disparity in adverse events across batches.

It is ever more obvious that these jabs were massive tests of medical devices on the global population that were lied about, and claimed to be vaccinations. The contractors and contractees, the DOD, governments, pharmaceutical companies, etc., have been captured by malevolent psychopaths that see potential for applications of technology that can extend human capabilities and life that require voluminous testing to separate the wheat from the chaff of potential technologies, and this is how these madmen have solved the problem of conducting tests of novel tech in terms of cost and time, time they cannot afford if they are to be able to take advantage of any of these technologies before they die, or age into misery, and costs they'd prefer not to bear.

The only just and rational response is hanging the genocidal psychopaths that have subjected us to involuntary medical experimentation for fun and profit, murdering tens of millions, and injuring more than a billion people in the process. No atrocity in human history equals, or even approaches, the cruelty and barbarity of the guilty madmen that have done this.


Edit: I was able to see all the images in the substack post, at least. Dunno why it isn't showing on Hive.

About the media not loading - I had the same problem the other day. Maybe there is just some bug - everything apart from the YouTube videos loaded for me under Brave / Firefox / Linux Web Browser - about the 30 percent jabbed - I hope the data is real for the shake of getting the truth out there, I really do. There are some people such as Jikkyleaks who don't believe the data is real - they think, according to their Twitter, it is full of red flags i.e., dropping a turd in the punch-bowl at the party so to speak i.e., to sink alot of researchers - of course, its good to be careful (I am hopeful)- this is the problem of not having an org like Wikileaks to handle confirmation / authenticity - however Steve K has said he has done this, and it is legit, so it has been done to some extent at least - so if all this is legit data, then this would be shocking proof that you would think any sane person could not ignore - of course, we live in Clown World, so who really knows.

About the world being captured by psychopaths - there is no doubt in my mind that is the case. As I have said in the past - the world really needs mass accountability - an open trail, broadcast everywhere, in order to have any hope - otherwise we are just chickens being torn apart in the hen-house and that is our future forever.



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The only just and rational response is hanging the genocidal psychopaths that have subjected us to involuntary medical experimentation for fun and profit

Here Here!

Good to know I'm in good company.


Good to know I'm in good company.

I'd call it more like a "Survivors" camp... for people that saw the Shots

and knew how to Duck!