Here Is How the World Works - i.e. Where is Heaven and Hell?

in ecoTrain16 days ago


So many people speculate about what happens after death. About what is heaven, and what is hell.

This is mostly because of King James and the Council of Nicaea. They removed all the real information about reincarnation and change hell into a place of eternal damnation. (to motivate the people to follow the king's edict).

The weird thing, to me, is that we have ancient texts talking about all of this. And we have spiritual masters that confirm all of this. So, there really isn't much debate to be had. And we have hundreds of near-death experiences. But people are still wildly speculating on what could be.

And the problem with talking about this, and the reason why people are wildly speculating is because we have denied ourselves actual experiences of all of this. Our "secular" science. People being pushed to be "logical".

The problem with this "perspective" (i use quotes because it was pushed on us as "logical") is that it ignore all of people personal experiences. Like, you have hundreds/thousands of recorded near death experiences, and most of them are almost identical. So, that should truly be part of the discussion about what is on the other side, but no, "logically" we must dismiss this as a collective & separate hallucination. (which the "science" takes to mean as not real)

So, we ignore what is right in front of us, so that we can appease the "atheists", and it all sounds so logical, because that is the way we were indoctrinated.

All this information i am about to impart is well known, and written about at length. I am sorry the cult of lucifer has decided to bury it under mountains of "logic".

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Heaven and Hell

The biggest thing the current translation of the bible has messed up is heaven and hell. Heaven, Christians say, is the eternal grounds where you go after you live a good life. Hell is a place of eternal torture, where the bad people go. And both of these places are outside of this world.

All a good story, to keep people on the right path, and obeying those in charge. It is what the 10 commandments say.

However, if you go to places like Tibet, they KNOW that reincarnation is real. Like the Dalai Lama reincarnates, and then after he reaches an age, takes up his mantle and begins being the Dalai Lama again. Carrying on conversations with people that he had in his previous incarnation. And acknowledge, this is a little kid doing this.

So, how do we square this circle of reincarnation and heaven & hell?

Heaven and hell are both a part of this world. There is not an intergalactic heaven. They are both local to this system, this earth (the small part we know). They are a part of the cycle of life.

Heaven is more correctly seen as a rest stop in between lives.
Hell is a place where you go to burn the sins (soul pains/wounds) out of yourself.

You spend as long in each area as you need. (yes, the more sins you have done to yourself, the longer you will need to spend in hell)

Sorry, there is no eternal damnation for the wicked.
Also, heaven does not await you to lounge eternally

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Being born

Soooo, there you are, a floating spirit, in a sea of floating spirits, having a discussion with that part of yourself that will be your life guides, and all the entities that will be your parents, best friends, rivals, lovers, discussing how you will set up this life. Where and when you will be born, who you will meet and all the intricacies of a web that will be the structure you are born into. (yes you have free will. Yes, you chose all this, and YES, the incarnated person, you, can choose to change things)

After this meeting, you then "wait" for your time to slide down into that little body growing inside your mother. Getting that big you with many experiences of many lives, into a little body is not easy. And you spend much time getting into and out of your body. Even after you are born, you spend a good amount of time in and out of your body.

But soon, you are firmly attached to the body, and you start believing this is you. The body. You have forgotten all about God, your eternal friends, that this world is all just a game(for some of the highest stakes you can imagine) and now, you are just a kid, learning to play and sit on the potty and wipe your own butt.

Sometime after being an adult (usually) you start to remember your spiritual side. And then you try to find a way back to that connection you knew before incarnating.

Some people sit in mediation and learn of this whole world, and the interconnectedness of it all, and place that "you" occupy in the greater YOU. We call this enlightenment.

Then, after that, the person may work on leaving the cycle of reincarnation, and leave, wholly, from this place. The Buddhists call this ascension.

But, for the most part, people croak, and re-emerge back to that more spiritual world where all your friends are and welcome you back with a huge party.

Then, you will, most likely, do this again. (are doing this again, have done this again, will have done this again)

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Is this a simulation? a game?

Well, we are, and we aren't.

The universe is painted, frame by frame (like trillions of times a second). This way we can experience time, and slow down manifestation so we can understand, and work within it.

So, you could easily say that this is a video game you are playing. There is no real death. There is no real reality. It is all painted on the screen for you to experience.

But, that is the reason it is not a simulation. This is an experience. There is no starting this all over. Every player changes the game. The next time you reincarnate, you are experiencing all the expansion from all the times you and all the others added to this game. So, it is really not a simulation in that aspect.

This incarnation is for all the marbles. The universe is here to work on certain questions. We are the answer. We are exploring all the answers/possibilities. (and in God's terms, this is the time in between thinking up a question, and knowing the answer. There really is no time.)

So, if we call this a game, then we are the players, and the coders, and are writing new expansions, all at the same time. And this isn't just entertainment (although every step you do should be in joy) its outcome is VERY important.

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I hope all of that gives you an idea of who, where and what you are.

There is so much lost in translation. There is so much lost in just putting these bits of knowledge into words.

The same can be said of the Bible, although there are specifically manipulative mis-translations there.

Like, that burning bush, that did not consume itself? That was an angel. (one way of viewing an angel) But in our words and knowledge, you might describe it as one of those fractal images where the colors change. You are seeing a lot of energy/information change and shift in front of you. AND! You may just see a person standing there. Or a person with wings. It is your mind translating the ever changing energy patterns of this world into images/symbols for you to work with.

Know that you are loved, and that this world was created with you specifically in mind.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Interesting take. I am on the reincarnation side of things myself although I really still question the whole God thing as a whole. I have always questioned it the way it was taught, it never sat with me. I grew up in the 'Bible Belt' and had religion shoved down my throat my whole life, so it's not like I haven't been exposed to it. I am more on the side of aliens these days. People back then would have mistaken them for 'angels' and such. But who REALLY knows? I just know that the whole pray to God for this and that thing never worked for me, and I have seen more negative things from the church and the people in it that I care to talk about, so why am I supposed to believe anything taught by them? I have always thought that King James completely messed up the original message, and have argued that with my family, people in the church, etc, and they all come at me with some blind faith bull shit argument. I just can't live with that. I don't believe in faith anymore, or maybe never did and just really realizing it in my later years.

This is where people come in with their own 'logic' as you say. Like myself, I have taken everything I have seen over my own 42 years of experience in this existence that lean more to the side of just an inter-connectiveness kind of thing as a 'spirit' and that we do relive lives in a different way, as if the previous life was to prepare us for the next one. So if that is the case, then I am either preparing for something horrific in the later part of this life and will be rewarded in the next for the constant suffering I am dealing with now, or I will be born into some serious dystopian shit where I will have to help others learn to deal with suffering... I don't know but people have to learn to also think and do for themselves. I see too many people in the church suffering and just praying their lives away thinking God is going to save them.

I really hate King James. To put it into perspective he had translated the Christian Bible AND the demon bible. So, you have a perfect template of creating sheeple.

Instead of teach that everyone is a piece of God, and is here, co-creating, no we have to be taught that we aren't even worthy to see God ourselves.

Further, on the appears to be an angel thing, all of our old gods are aliens. The El (plural the Elohim) were an advanced race that came down and mucked with our DNA and tried to make the perfect servant class.

Take that all in, and then think about "gods chosen people"

These gods loved to drink and huff the burnt adrenalized offerings. And lived on the tops of hills. You know, just like Zeus and clan.

Now, back to this life. The Earth is changing. We have entered a new area of space. The old template of karma is breaking down, well not needed anymore. And everything you heal in your life this time will be something that is healed for your next life.

And getting to know God, is a path. I found it easiest to start with meditation. Others have found it easier to start with hallucinogenics. You get to the one-ness feeling, and then follow it up. And keep following it up. You can ask questions of that energy, you can even huminify it so you can talk to it easier.

God is MUCH bigger than any of the churches would/could ever admit

Oh I have done my share of both meditation and hallucinagens, haha. I see god as more of the force kind of thing, the connection between everything. It happens on a different plain of existence that most people will never fully see. So I get that. I have never bought into the whole 'worship' this greater being stuff. I live by the one Jesus teaching, do unto others as you would have them do to you. That is just logical. Basically, just be a good person and be a cool dude to everyone else.