Pivotal traits of parenting.....loh #186.

in Ladies of Hive13 days ago

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog.

Parenting is a very important job or should I put it this way that parenting plays a pivotal role in the evolution of man's existence..it extends beyond merely setting rules and guidelines for the children to follow. It also extends putting food on the table daily for the children or providing them with whatever they want or need whenever it arises.

There are so many intricacies that intertwine to help parents become better at parenting. Unfortunately there's no "one size fits all" modus operandi that is universal for parenting. Even a mom gets confused by the varying traits borne and displayed by each of her kids, despite the fact that these kids all came from one womb. This proves my point of "no one size fits all".

As a parent myself, I would like to share three pivotal traits or qualities that parents should have in order ro be able to instill high moral values needed in shaping the succeeding generation for a prosperous future.

The first quality to possess as parents is Love. I believe no other phase of life gives a better platform to exhibit unselfish love like parenting. Parents sacrifice their all to bring the child into this world and they still continue to make huge sacrifices for the child till death causes a separation. Where love thrives, there can be no wrong.

I often hear "monkey see, monkey do" as a phrase used in children games but truth is that this is exactly what children are like. They emulate what they see more than what they are told. When there's no love between the parents, the child knows and picks it up even amplifying the lack of love to becoming an insensitive person.

The breeding place of a child, which is the home, should reflect love through and through. This is one of the best ways to raise secure, confident and responsible children who will grow up to be future leaders.

The second trait or quality that parentss should possess *patience. I cannot exhaust the need for parents to be patient and exhibit patience. Life is not a fairytale where things happen as per one's wishes instantaneously. There will come times or periods of waiting for the things we need. Grumbling, cussing or complaining when things don't go the way we want does not send a positive feedback to the children. It should be known that certain things take time in life. Portraying the virtue of patience for the children to emulate will help them understand that waiting for things is not bad.

Thirdly, I would say that respect and faith in God are very important qualities that parents should exhibit for their kids to emulate and replicate. Treating the people we encounter with respect will show children the right way to treat the people that they encounter as life progresses. Cementing the children's belief in God happens when they see their parents do likewise without fear or shame. The benefits are endless.

Parenting is to train up a child in the way that he or she ought to follow while he or she grows. To train up is to drill in and imprint values into children, so that it is difficult for them to deviate or go completely off radar from what they have been taught. A good illustratuon is presented by the millitary. It's quite difficult for a military man to deviate from his training even after retirement and that's where the saying "once a soldier, always a soldier" came from. I understand that we might not all be military inclined but the deal is parenting is intentional.

Thankbyou all for reading..shalom.

Images used are mine.


I.like the word drill, this means repeating your training over and over until it becomes part of the kids lifestyle, and deviating from it becomes difficult

For example in my home, my kids already know that every morning there must be morning prayer, so any day we miss it by chance, whenever they remember, they will scream and come to me , mommy, we didn't say our morning prayer today and I will be like what! Are you sure? Lol... that is because, I have drilled them much on the spiritual aspect and we are still going

Mom @beckyroyal , I wish you grace to pull through your parenting journey, always living a life that the kids will emulate for good

You are doing well

That aspect of morning prayer also happens to me occasionally and my daughter will pick it up to remind me that we didn't pray then she would volunteer to pray both morning and night for us 😁😁

It's by God's grace that we do what we do. Thank you ma, I appreciate your lovely contribution.

Send my regards to your boys🤗

There are some traits that are paramount for parents to have in order to train up kids that they will be proud of, and some of the ones you mentioned are really important to achieve this.

Yes they are . Thanks for your contribution sis. Hope you are having a great week and you are fairing on good health.

Yes, God is faithful. Thank you.
Wishing you an amazing week.

Dear @beckyroyal, you just got hugged.
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This is a profoundly insightful post on parenting! The traits you've highlighted not only resonate deeply but also serve as a thoughtful guide for those navigating the complexities of raising children.

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Actions speak louder than words. If there is a discripancy between our actions and words, children get confused and are likely to develop with conflicts. It is thus very important for parents to become an example for their kids via their actions and merely by words.

Patience is also a necessary element for healthy parenting. Children do things a lot of things that test our temper.

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Thanks for this wise comment. They are so on point.

Thanks for the curation