Women who made great impact of my life: Woman's month

in Ladies of Hive2 months ago


Who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies?


Before the women's month ended I would like to share with you the women who made a great impact on my life being a wife and an individual.

Hello, it's me again @chimegipamus, I hope you are doing all well. These women I'm going to be sharing with you manifest some of my character and resiliency. Strong yet loving, firm but kind and so much more.


First is my biological mother. She is a strong woman who never gave up. We lost our father at an early age and she stands on both her feet to become what we are right now. She is not perfect but she keeps on fighting. Her resilient spirit helps us pursue to reach our dreams of being a professional. She is a disciplinarian mother who taught us to become a better person. She loves all her siblings though sometimes she was abused for being so kind.


We looked up to her strengths and her weaknesses were our lesson. She gave everything in all kinds of jobs like being a nanny, a maid, and even a liaison. After work, we helped her do business like selling barbecues outside our house. All the sweat and body aches she only ignores just to give us a bright future.



Right now as she gets older it's our time to pay back all her hardships and sacrifices. Last 2023 she was diagnosed having a brain tumor but thank God it was benign. She always told us she was fine and nothing to worry about. She was hospitalized twice last year, and almost lost her life but until now she has been actively participating in every church activity and nothing can stop her.



The next woman who had a great impact was my mother-in-law. She takes care of her children well and brings them in the fear of God. Though her husband was a gambling addict and even though all their hard-earned investments were gone she stood out and was able to sustain and finish all her children in college.



She stands as a strong tower in her family, she wakes up early to tend to her needs and daily goes to open her store to have something to put on their table. She was once a Barangay councilor and was able to be a number one councilor due to her passion for taking care of not only the needs of her family but also of others.


I see her as a resilient and persistent woman who makes me realize not to give up on anything but to move forward even when things are not good.

The last woman was my husband's aunt. Living together with my mother-in-law, she was the one who took care of the kitchen. She was left by her husband after two years of marriage just to find a job in Manila but until now it did not come back and was heard to have a new family.


She was lent by relatives and grew always in the kitchen preparing food for everyone. Until now whenever we went home in the province she prepared a lot of food for us. Her only son was in Saudi Arabia and were married already. She was left in the ancestral house with my mother-in-law.


She cooks very well and at the age of seventy-seven, she still cooks for us. She is strong and independent, a keeper of our old things in the house. She is a well-raised individual who also teaches us on the right path. All her grandchildren wanted to be home whenever there was a chance to feel her warmest love. A loving and kind woman I've ever known.


These are the women who taught me to live and love. They taught me to become strong and resilient, independent, loving, and kind. To be a better person and always look for the needs of others. I may not be as good as them but I look up to their teachings and admonitions willing to listen to become a better version of myself.

How about you do you have anyone who you look up to? Share your thoughts and send them in the box below. Thank you for reading my blog and please don't forget to re-blog and upvote.

Have a great day everyone!


Mothers are capable of doing anything to ensure their children have a perfect life. Having married into a family that loves and care for you is amazing thing. You are blessed to have been surrounded by women that loves and care for you.

Thank you for dropping by @ernesto6402

You are welcome 🤗

Congratulations to all mothers in your country and of course in your family too.


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You are lucky, you got support and love from beautiful women. Not everyone can be lucky like this. Of course, our mother loves us unconditionally but your in-laws seem wonderful people...

She was left by her husband after two years of marriage just to find a job in Manila but until now it did not come back and was heard to have a new family.

Must be hard for her...

Yes I Am very lucky to have them.


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