Mommy, it's my other side of the universe ... ||LOH-185

I have no current photos with my mom, I am like many children of emigrants who cannot leave their country because it is very complicated to get the visa to go to see her.

Mom and Dad have been living in the USA for more than 40 years, and I live in my country Venezuela, I am currently waiting for an appointment for my residency process in that country.

I belong to that huge group of Latin Americans who can't be close to their own.

However, the love I feel for my mother does not need a visa, she does not need tickets, no boarding pass, no passports, no borders, she travels endlessly, and crosses every border, I belong to the group of people who are far from mom due to life circumstances and the rest is history.

Consequently, love eliminates distances and feels permanent.

Elsie Arratia is already 86 years old she is always active and very lucid, it is a joy to have her alive, I haven't seen her physically for a few years now, my mom has 7 children (5 girls, 2 boys) I am the eldest daughter of the family clan.

I love my mother and I remember her always, I talk on video calls with her every day, I take care of her in the distance and watch over her as I can.

My mom taught me to overcome obstacles and stumbles, that life calls bumps of growing up, she didn't leave me an inheritance in money, but she has left me the love for family, the value for education, gratitude, empathy, I don't have current photos, but we have thousands of moments saved in our cell phone memory.

She, my mother, is on my other side of the universe.

The love and admiration I feel for my mom has been born since I have the use of reason, for the wonderful human being that she is.

At my mom's house the door is always open to enjoy the best arroz con pollo, to have a conversation with the right word, the morning coffee, the glass of red wine with her children's friends, but above all, she is always willing, attentive, and with a smile to protect the family.

Another fun fact about me that may surprise you is that I was raised in a museum and frequenting them was a common family activity.

My mother Elsie Arratia and grandmother Margarita Soto were both self-taught artists who specialized in "naive painting techniques," a style embraced by those without formal art training.

Art holds a special place in my heart, nurturing my wandering spirit and love for exploration. I am seriously contemplating incorporating a holistic wellness and medicine art show in the future. What do you think?

Today in this post I want to pay tribute to my mother who day after day, constantly and silently fulfills that selfless function and nourishes my inner child every time I knock on the door of her heart, I feel blessed to have experienced the blessings granted by love, happy true love day mom, happy mother's month.

Motherhood needs to be de-romanticized.

Times have changed and I think about the mothers who are exploited in their role, by family, parental, social and political abandonment. Because of all the domestic violence that they and their children receive.

To the mother victim of the war, victim of physical and mental violence, the elderly mother, discriminated by race, color. I suggest this topic in later post.

No matter what your circumstance is, being a mom goes much further than just having children, to all the mothers who read me, I wish you happiness not just one day or during the month of May, but every day of your lives, and I want to say something to all the Ladies of the hive: We are doing our best.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

Thankssss You so much @bhattg @hivecurators @sagarkothari88 , I AM very Thanksfull 🌹

@janitzearratia, you are most welcome!

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Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency

Thankssss You so much @sahi1 🌹

Mothers are priceless beings and their love can't be quantify. Happy Mother's Day to all amazing mothers in the world

Thank You so much dear , Happy mothers day 🫂🌹💕

The pleasure is mine

Greetings @janitzearratia touching words: "my mother taught me to overcome obstacles and stumbling blocks, that life calls obstacles when growing up, she did not leave me an inheritance in money, but she left me the love for the family", dedicated to that wonderful woman as your mother is, thank you for sharing, a hug.

A mother's love transcends in many ways and my mom still does it at the age of 86.

She makes the best rice with chicken, from the little ball in the world.

Thankssss @cautiva-30 🌹🫂💕

I hope you will soon be able to hug your mom and sit down to eat one of her chicken and rice dishes. And the most valuable thing our parents can leave us is the love for the family, right?

Awwwww...I cry when I read your comment because I think about mommy and how at the table we have shared the stories, the joys, the sorrows and the joy of being together. I Love You, for your warm words @coquicoin


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Thankssss You so much 🌹

Thank you for sharing. My prayer for you is that you get the chance to see you mom and dad soon. I can just imagine the reunion-the joy that will be!

Thank you for sharing and have a lovely weekend!🤗💜 !LADY

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Thank you very much Elizabeth for your prays and good wishes for me family reunion with mine in USA... i hope to be able to meet as soon as possible.

I wish you to have the best possible weekend as a family.🌹

Thankssss You so much🌹🎈

You are very welcome! Thank you @janitzearratia! Take care!🤗💜

40 years in the US and she is 86 years old and you're still waiting for the Visa! I'd be frustrated by now knowing that you may be running out of time while the bureaucrats are dragging their feet. It feels so unfair that millions illegal immigrants can come over the southern US border overnight without documents while you properly go through the legitimate channels and application process. I hope for the day you see her in person SOON @janitzearratia ❤️

Awww thank you for your heartfelt and honest words, I'm still waiting for the "in process" phase to travel to Bogota Colombia to the USA embassy again in September which is my appointment, I hope to finish this soon and travel for Christmas, mommy 86 and daddy 88 ... nothing easy, fortunately love has no borders 🌹 I hug you friend @kerrislravenhill