Congratulations for your 6th Year, Splinterlands!

in Ladies of Hive β€’ 16 days ago

General 6th Year Anniversary.gif
Edited in Canva Pro.


Since March 22, 2022, when I first dipped my toes into Splinterlands and the Hive community and did my first post, I've been on a mission. My aim? To craft captivating Splinterlands content that not only fuels my passion for the game but also supports my account, a self-sustaining game.

Imagine you playing Genshin Impact, but instead of using your own money from your work, you can get 100 of free spins per week by doing some extra tasks. That's the ideal scenario I want to have in my Splinterlands account.

For a more detailed information on this topic, you can check my previous post here:

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Discovery of Splinterlands.gif

Although the exact moment of discovery eludes my memory, I distinctly recall stumbling upon Splinterlands through a Facebook post. Intrigued by the modest $10 entry fee, I decided to dip my toes into the realm after indulging in a few YouTube videos. My journey into Splinterlands content creation officially commenced on March 27, 2022, with my inaugural Splinterlands Art Contest Post. While the visuals may have succumbed to the ravages of time, the enduring textβ€”and perhaps a touch of cringeβ€”remains preserved for posterity.

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As I write this post, over two years have pased since my introduction to the world of Splinterlands content creation and gameplay. While I consider myself a seasoned player in many aspects, it's been less than a year since I became truly invested in the game with a more serious mindset and more concrete plan in mind on how to move on.

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Each day, I dedicate approximately 2 hours to strategizing, assembling, and learning Splinterlands through battling. On rental days or when I need to get additional cards before matches, this timeframe extends by an extra hour or two.

Additionally, when I find myself frustrated with my gameplay, I find some gameplay videos on YouTube for inspiration. Even a single random video often yields valuable information that I can use to increase my team's performance.

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Accomplishments Summary

High Gold League.
Back in the day, I proudly reached the Gold 1 League rank within the Splinterlands. However, despite having the skills to potentially advance to Diamond, I stopped from doing so due to the very high rental costs associated with the high leveled monsters and summoners at that time. This was way long ago, when collection power was still a thing needed for you to advance to the next leauge. I even recall the rewards of my efforts, including, if memory serves me right, the 2 Chaos Legion packs that I received from daily quests, in which, one was Djinn Oshannus that I was able to sell for about $60 at that time since it was newly released.

Aqua Simple Banner 1.png

Top 7 in Splinterlands Art Contest.
It's a shame that I cannot find the link but my memory remains vivid nonetheless. I remember that it's one of my Tarsa drawings but since I've done quite few in the past, I am not sure which is which, and since the Splinterlands art post was from 2 years ago, I cannot really find which of them was it.

This is not everything but I found a compilation of my other drawings from the past:

Aqua Simple Banner 1.png

Managed to Find a Splinterlands "stolen" asset in a Mobile Game.

When this is what you see in that mobile game, is it bad that I say it's a "stolen asset?":

Gelatinous Cube.PNG

Gelatinous Cube is a passive monster from the Beta set that has Scavenge, Heal and Void abilities. It's look is almost exactly the one in the mobile game except VERY minor difference.

Gelatinous Cube monster.png

For more information, this is the original post I did for it:

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Helped Reduce Bot Players in Modern Ranked.
Bots are not allowed in Modern Ranked Format but is allowed in Wild Ranked Format. However, due to higher rewards in Modern Ranked, people still wants to abuse this difference, which should've been for players who invest their time and money on perfecting their craft.

I've reported quite a number of accounts in the past who passed through Splinterlands' detection for Modern Format. To prove that I am not all talk, I have some receipts to show about this encounter:

bot report a.PNG

Bot report b.PNG

I've listed around 5 accounts, if I remember, with proofs as to why I thought those were bot accounts. There was one who wasn't a bot account, which I also stated in the interaction I had with the support staff saying that I think Ashborn23 account 'might' be a bot account but I am not sure due to lack of evidence but should still be monitored to make sure.

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Upcoming Goals and Advice for Beginners

Rather than giving you some generic advise like the last post I did, I will be more specific this time. This would also be my advice to all beginners starting the game, to try and do what I am doing as it would benefit you in the long run saving you tons of money from renting summoners.

I have two goals right now in this game. The first is to make my account sustainable as I try and complete my second goal, to get max level summoners.

To achieve the first goal, I need to reach around Gold 1 league with at least 15k SPS. The rewards I could get from this would be around $2 each week, which would be used to fund the cards and SPS rentals. If you want a more detailed explanation, you can check my other post here:

Back to Gold.PNG

For the second goal, beginners of the game could also follow what I am doing right now. The glint shop right now is very efficient for collecting Soulbound summoners.

rare draw 2.PNG

As you can see above, ALL the soulbound summoners are Rare summoners. This means the more you get rare draws from the Glint shop, you have a higher chance of maxing them. Summoners costs a lot to rent and doing this can save you a lot of money or at least redirect your rental budget to other monsters. Now, fortunately, you can see that you can specifically get Rare draws from the Glint shop as seen below:

Rare Draw 1.PNG

The Glint shop changes from time to time so I suggest the newbies to try and abuse this process giving you solid summoners in the future before it's gone. On the Glint Shop, you can also get Merits, which you can use on Guild shops to gain cards called Gladiators. These are powerful cards you can only use in Guild Brawls unless you have the Rare Soulbound summoners you can get from doing the trick above.

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  • This post is an entry for Splinterlands Social Media Contest.
  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos. Photos and drawings without cited sources are mine and made for this post.
  • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
  • Some of the fonts used are from

If I seem to forget to cite other sources, this would be unintentional. Please leave it on the comments below to be added in the post. Thanks.

If you're interested in playing the game, support me by registering using my referral link here

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ℋ𝒢𝓋ℯ 𝒢 𝑔ℴℴ𝒹 π’Ήπ’Άπ“Ž!

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