My Most Recent Picture by LoH Community Contest #183

in Ladies of Hivelast month (edited)

This is the first time I am entering the Ladies of Hive Community Contest (challenge), which I find it as an opportunity to "shill" my project that I am hoping everyone can brainstorm together with me on what I can do next 😅

Yes, these babies are progressing well....

And I am really thrill with it!

You see, for those who have been reading my post of late especially in the month of April, I have decided to really push a little more active on my old account @craftsofluv which was initially created YEARS ago before was created (I cannot say I am an OG (Original Gang) of this sphere, but I have been here long enough, in and out).

I digress!

Let me get back on track... why I decided to take this picture and talk about my old account, is because I have always been quite an advocate of "less waste". I can't achieve Zero waste with most of the items are properly pre-packed and hardly any bulk stores existing within close range, so I wanted to make full use of whatever that was supposed to be gone to the landfill forever.

And Glass was one of them.

Then I was attracted and inspired when I bump into the Green Awareness fair, it was my opportune time to repurpose these beautiful glass bottles.

Initially after the pilot test terrarium after I was thinking of just making them and selling off cheaper than market price to promote upcycling, which this idea hasn't derailed from me just yet; however, God, yes God Almighty (please don't crucify me yet with your POV) has a different plan for what I wanted to do.

You see, from last year, things has been going on so much since 2023, not just the good things that has happened in my life, but there were a lot of bad things happened throughout. Some of my hive friends (who has known me for years) here actually knew what happened to me, especially the #teammalaysia family, and till this very day I am still trying to recover from the massive damage (partly by blogging more often), but that was just me, which I could still hold on... even it includes some serious mental trauma I had to go through.

What I couldn't sit still because my Aba has put this attention unto me, is the mental trauma has happened to the people around me that I (am supposed to) care on

I have multiple (female) friends who has gone through a lot of trauma of late and their issues didn't spill over until, by the Grace of God, I suddenly spotted some irregularities happening.

  • unusual Status post in the main social media (that only a few could see)
  • sudden behavioral change
  • sudden ghosting

These beautiful ladies (yes, they are gorgeous inside out) are usually the sweetest people I have met who has inspired me too, to be a better person; but their sudden cave truly has caused some shaking in my life that the LORD has pressed on my heart.

There are a lot of people who are caving in and are somewhat putting up a Façade to protect themselves

And just so happened, because God allowed bad things happened to me, I picked up the abnormal vibe a little more than others.

I am not bragging that I have some super power, but I empathise their situation.

No one should suck up their tears and just show their strong side. That's why I altered a little of my initial direction for this repurposing project, looking to God for guidance, and made it more than just selling upcycled bottles as beautiful concealed mini terrariums...

I also specifically tagged some of the mini terrariums I made (according to God's instruction) with the specific person I am burdened to pray for, so that I when I check on them to make sure the condition is perfect, I remembered to pray for the person that the name is on the terrarium...

This one in particular, has 2 babies, because I am praying for a couple. At the moment they are going through a really rough time and the worse is that the rest of us are not certain how to help them to reconcile their differences, other than keeping them in prayers, and trust God

With the additional upcycle candle that I am trying out to make (that needs some tweaking in improvement, before it looks like it is going to burn the house down when lit), I am trying to be as obedient as HE wants me to be and just pray, and wait, until there's a way / an idea HE downloads to me, how to help them.

I am hoping in time, when this terrarium is more settled (which takes around 2 months for the environment to stabilise and the little plants to root kindly and the moss to flourish), if the LORD instructs me to bless them with it, I will.

In the mean time, they are my prayer companion, specially for this couple.

I still want to find a way to sustain this ministry that the LORD has burden my heart, but the items are not cheap (the soil, the gear, the moss) despite that the glass is free. Even the Apostle Paul was a tent maker to partly sustain his ministry while he travelled. At the moment, for those who are willing to read my sharing I am utterly grateful, but because these babies are special , I want them to be part of this wonderful blockchain... and I am praying that any hive developer might be curious enough later to ask me what is in my mind, and give some advice to see if it is doable.

Until Then

Stay healthy, stay curious and learn new things, and stay happy!

If you would like to give some encouragement outside HIVE with some fiat backing, please feel free to visit:

You can also support me in HIVE

1% of this payout is to also help a fellow sister @fusion.lover and friend of mine who recently was laid off after working tirelessly for 8 years for her NGO


Trust the process and not the happenings. Keep fighting!

I can only rely on the Way Maker now.
Thanks for stopping by


@fixyetbroken! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ littlenewthings. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

I agree. 😊

Yay! Your article was upvoted by the @minnowsupport project and will be featured in an article.

Yay! Thank you so much for the feature @silversaver888!


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@ladiesofhive, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @littlenewthings and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (8/30 calls)

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