The Essential Traits of Effective Parenting: A Reflective Journey


Most people often attribute a child's misconduct to poor parenting. When a child displays good morals, society sees that the parents are doing their job diligently in raising a responsible child, and likewise, when a child displays bad attitudes, he may be thrown with these questions: "Who are your parents? Were you trained at all? Where are your manners and all of that". Every bad finger will first point at the parents, either for blame in cases of bad character in a child or for commendation in cases of good character in that child.

Instilling high moral values in the lives of children is the responsibility of parents, but then, can you give what you don't have? I believe that every parent would love to raise a child they will be proud of tomorrow. A child that would be beneficial for the country, society, and the world at large. We would desire to shape their future for the best through the stages of parenting. Parenting goes beyond providing the children with food, shelter, and education; it also involves molding their characters with the aim of raising responsible children. This is very possible through the character parents exhibit, as children learn first from their parents. This leads me to discuss the three traits every parent must possess.

One of the traits that parents must possess in order to effectively fulfill this vital task is patience. Most times, it can be frustrating with the kids; you may be guiding them to do A and later find them doing the opposite. The truth is that if you lack this trait called patience with our children, it will be a challenge to have patience with others out there, and in whatever we do, the kids are watching and emulating. Patience will help us stick with them despite all the ups and downs in this journey. Sometimes, if you are not patient enough, you may lose it and even voice out a particular bad word capable of making the child feel less of himself. In this long parental journey, patience is a virtue to uphold.

Love is another trait I find so vital for parents to possess. Children are so sensitive to their environment, and so our home should breed love. Even when parents are not so loving to each other, they pick that up, and it could be detrimental to them. There are so many ways parents can show love to their children, such as getting involved with things that concern them beyond saying, I love you, my child. How much of our time we give them shows love; after all, love is sacrifice, and love is patience. You wouldn't want your child to get love from outside; every child deserves physical affection. Let them know that they are loved and cherished with all the care and sacrifices from parents, and with this, it becomes possible to raise a confident child.

Finally, one other trait parents should possess is kindness. Kindness in words and in attitude—to your kids, to your relatives, in-laws, neighbors, and even strangers. Because you are their role model, the kids are watching, and my greatest desire is to mold those characters to be great for society. This is why I demonstrate kindness in my capacity, and I believe that whatever they see me do, they assume that it's the right thing to do.


In conclusion, you can't give what you don't have. Nurturing children requires that we have good attributes within us. As much as you and I, as parents, cannot be perfect, it's important that some of these vital traits shouldn't be found wanting as we continue with this long parental journey on the quest to raise the great future of tomorrow.

Thanks for reading through. Your time is much appreciated💚

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Patience, love, and kindness all are great virtues and help to make one person better. I would love to leave those traits to my future generation. I believe that those can help to make life beautiful and better.

The traits will surely make their life better and more beautiful 😍
Thanks for visiting @intishar

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There is no doubt that you cannot give others what you don't have. If we want our kids to develop into beneficial individuals we have to instill good habits among us. Children emulate our actions.

There is no second opinion about the importance of patience. Children put our temper to test quite often.

Love is indeed at the core of every sacrifice we make. Without love we cannot give up on certain things for the greater good of our kiddos.

Exhibiting kindness towards others helps developing the same behavior among our children.

Thanks for sharing the words of wisdom with us, !LADY.


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Awwww, Amber
See how you summarized all my grammar into a simpler sentence.....your message is clear and simple and I do value this awesome feedback 🥰

Thanks so much for your contribution
May we all continue to be a great parent to this little ones

amberkashif, nkemakonam89 sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/4) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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May we all continue to be a great parent to this little ones

May God help us all

I never heard my parents saying I love you to us, but they showed it in different ways.
You know things well, and you sure are a great mom 😊

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Of course, love is beyond mere expression. A child that is loved by his or her parents will know and will definitely remain confident out there
Thanks for your kind words, Jane 🥰

Nurturing children requires that we have good attributes within us.

This is a very vital trait that a parent should have to bring up their kids.

Parenting is not for the weak. If you rush in, you will create problems for the society.

My own is that your skirt as is sweeping ground like that is my length. Don't worry, I have hips it will fit.

So as you are coming to Delta to see my twinee bring it for me with the blouse if not no gift for you.

Thank you #dreemport... Native loading 😍


Haha 😆😆😂😂😂
Trouble maker
I see you

It's even gown not skirt


Eh the gown is still my size

All these are traits every parent must possess. Raising children is more than just providing for them financially, one needs to be able to give more in order for them to be useful to themselves and the society.

Came in from dreemport.

Exactly Rukkie baby.

Thanks for visiting 🥰

We can't give what we don't have to others, so we must first have these to be able to pass it down to our kids.


That's right dreemer 😍
Thanks for reading through

You're welcome 🤗