Three qualities to be parents – LOH # 186 Contest

Photo by Klara Kulikova

Greetings to all, in this beautiful Ladies of Hive Community. Heeding the call of this contest number 186, today I return to participate. Here I share this week's invitation. Thank you @amberkashif for these great questions!

This time I will answer the first question of the contest: Parenting transcends mere stages in life; it represents a profound designation entailing the monumental responsibility of instilling high moral values and shaping the succeeding generation for a prosperous future. In this regard, what do you consider to be the three most pivotal qualities or traits that parents must possess in order to effectively fulfill this vital task?

I am going to speak from my experience, which, due to my extreme youth at the time of becoming a mother, was not easy, but I tried to do the best I could. When we become fathers or mothers, there is no course, manual, induction or training that prepares us for the most important and lasting role of our lives, because I am convinced that being parents is an eternal task, which can even transcend the death, because there are many experiences that after fathers and mothers die, even so, from another level, they continue to ensure the well-being of their children, which allows us to deduce that it is a bond that is often indestructible.

Being a father or mother is something that can be very scary, especially when we just found out that we are going to bring another human being to the planet. I clearly remember that I felt that way, with fear. Then, when I saw my daughter, I was amazed and marveled at how beautiful and perfect she was (and is), but then, with the challenges, the difficulties, and the different tasks that have to be done every day to raise a son, perhaps it was often complicated, especially when it came to producing money or accessing the resources necessary to live and cover all expenses.

There is also wanting to protect your son or daughter against everything bad, unfortunately we are not infallible and sometimes they experience bad times. I think that in particular is very distressing, because you want nothing bad to happen to that little being, and that if necessary you become a shield that frees it from all evil, but it does not always work, although this situation is always distressing and takes away the peace.

Making a retrospective analysis of my experience as a mother, and seeing the personal stories of other people and families around me, I believe that many qualities are needed to be good parents, but according to what is asked for in this contest, there are three that From my point of view, they are basic, fundamental. Let's see:

  • CONSISTENCY: I think this quality is very important, because word and action must go hand in hand. I have seen many times how parents demand honesty from their children, and they are the most dishonest. For example, when parents tell their children not to lie, and if someone comes to look for them at home (the parents), they tell the children to tell the person who is requesting them, that they are not there. They also tell them that smoking or drinking is bad, and they drink and smoke in front of their children... The example must go hand in hand with the word, one thing reinforces the other, the example is even more important than just the words. Facts, not words. (FACTA, NON VERBA, as I say in my profile).
  • RESPECT: Respect must be present in all areas of parenting. Respect expressed in words and actions. It is not enough to say “I am a respectful father or mother”, and at certain times you insult your son or daughter, violate their rights, intimidate them, etc.

  • TOLERANCE AND PATIENCE: Children are people who are just beginning to understand the world, they do not know and do not know their environment, much less the social relationships, the rules of behavior, which is why it is essential to be tolerant of their mistakes , their failures and being patient while they learn, because it is the only way for them to feel safe and understood.

And finally, I believe that there is something basic and fundamental: LOVE, and although it is not a quality, it is a feeling, a force, a power (the most important in the universe), that must exist in every father and mother towards your son or daughter. Without love, there is no fatherhood or motherhood, only the biological act of engendering. We must be loving, unconditional and loyal to our children, but also fair and not blinded by the love we profess for our children.

Here I end my post, where I answer a transcendental question, about which every father or mother should think and reflect. I hope you find my answers useful.

Image sources

  • The cover image comes from the Unsplash page and is properly identified.

  • The dividers used are courtesy of @eve66 who shares beautiful designs that embellish the layout of our post.

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I so much love your last point which is tolerance and patient. You see this two things, the are very important . Our children are ignorant of the things that surrounds them which is why as parents, we must be patient with them to grow from one stage to another.

This was indeed a beautiful read

Hi @queenkong

Children are beings who do not even know themselves, much less the world, their environment. It is the job of us, the parents, to guide and care for them with love and patience, being tolerant of the mistakes they may make.

Thank you very much for stopping by to read and comment. Have a beautiful week.

Respect, tolerance and patience, but above all love are fundamental to being a mother or father. I would also add another quality, Good Example, because children absorb and copy everything they see and then replicate it. I have always said that children are the mirror of parents.

Thanks for sharing this tremendous reflection @sirenahippie

I agree with you @zupasteleria, lead by example. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment. Hugs!


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Parenthood is scary to an extent, I agree. It comes with several fears and what ifs.

The three qualities you mentioned are all really important. Actions are a better teacher than words. If there is indiscripency between our actions and words, children would only learn hypocrisy and confusion.

Respect is a mirror. When we give it to others we get it back. Children deserve respect as much as we want them to respect us.

Patience and tolerance are in fact a necessary element of good parenting. So many times kids perform actions that annoy us, but for the sake of making them good human we have to be tolerant.

And of course, Love is necessary to fill juice in any relationship.

Thanks for sharing your experience based thoughts, !LADY.

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