Vertical Farming // Reblog lottery

in Ecency24 days ago

In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, a revolutionary approach is taking root: vertical farming.
Imagine rows of vibrant greens, flourishing not in vast expanses of rural fields, but within the confines of towering urban skyscrapers and repurposed warehouses.
Picture an excel sheet, not with rows, but columns 😅 That is how I imagined it at first at least 😂

ai generated image

Vertical farming represents a change in the way we grow food, offering a sustainable solution to the challenges of traditional farming methods.

What is it?

Vertical farming involves the cultivation of crops in vertically stacked layers, often in controlled (indoor) environments. By utilizing advanced technologies such as hydroponics, aeroponics, and LED lighting systems, vertical farms can optimize growing conditions to maximize crop yields while minimizing resource usage.

The advantages of going vertical

One of the primary advantages of vertical farming is its ability to produce more per square meter compared to traditional farming methods. By stacking growing beds vertically, farmers can grow more crops in less space, making vertical farms particularly well-suited for densely populated urban areas where land is scarce.

This way, the vertical way, of farming reduces water usage by utilizing recirculating hydroponic or aeroponic systems that deliver nutrients directly to plant roots. This closed-loop approach not only conserves water but also minimizes the risk of soil erosion and nutrient runoff, making vertical farming a more sustainable alternative to conventional agriculture.

Technological innovations

Central to the success of vertical farming are the advanced technologies that enable precise control over environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and light intensity. LED lighting systems mimic the full spectrum of sunlight, providing crops with the optimal conditions for photosynthesis while minimizing energy consumption.

Automated climate control systems monitor and adjust environmental parameters in real-time, ensuring that crops receive the ideal growing conditions throughout their lifecycle. Combined with robotics and automation for tasks such as planting, harvesting, and monitoring crop health, these technologies enable vertical farms to operate efficiently and sustainably.


Vertical farming has already gained traction in urban centers around the world, with innovative startups and established companies alike investing in the industry.
From leafy greens and herbs to strawberries and even small trees, vertical farms can grow a wide variety of crops year-round, regardless of seasonal constraints.

The Future of vertical farming

As technology continues to progress and advance, and consumer demand for locally grown, sustainably sourced food grows, the future of vertical farming looks bright. By integrating vertical farms into urban landscapes and repurposing underutilized spaces, we can create a more resilient and decentralized food system that is less reliant on transportation over very long distances and vulnerable to climate change.

Besides, vertical farming has the potential to address pressing global challenges such as food insecurity (apparently that's the best way to describe it), land degradation, and water scarcity, while promoting healthier and more sustainable lifestyles for future generations.

In conclusion

vertical farming represents a transformative approach to agriculture that holds the promise of a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable food system. By harnessing the power of technology and innovation, we can cultivate a brighter future for generations to come.

Reblog lottery

How does the reblog lottery work??

  • Reblog the post
  • Comment with the word "REBLOGGED" (does not have to be capital letters)
  • Your comment may contain more than just this one word, but this word is required

Reblog the post before: Saturday, May 11th @ 3pm UTC

Winner will be 20% beneficiary to the next post (not Actifit, if any are posted) and the chance to win cool $HIVE too.
For each ten (10) reblog, there will be added 2 HSBI to the winner.

Last rounds result

Winner has been selected using this tool

Once again I am unable to use my reblog checker.. I need to start bring my laptop around.
Trusting the comments, the participants for this round are:
@henruc @ladymisa @lourica @nabbas0786 @olaf.gui @servelle @stekene @the-dealer

And the winner:


Congratulations, please enjoy your 20% profit share on this post and 2 HSBI. Read more about HSBI here



@caspermoeller89, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (3/3) and will start the voting trail.

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REBLOGGED (and learned something new) :D

A service announcement: I can't see the reblog. Just in case I actually get to use my reblog checker again soon 😂

You're right, I forgot, sorry!


It's a good approach to solving the planet's food problems, provided that it's completely managed by robots, as humans would be tempted to make a profit by lowering the quality of nutrients, for example.

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@stekene(1/10) tipped @caspermoeller89

Reblogged 💚


Am I late? reblogged


@caspermoeller89! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @hiveborgminer. (1/1)

Technically yes, but I'll let you in the draw because I don't get to do the next post today 🫣😅

Thanks I appreciate it
Good luck to all!

Dear @caspermoeller89, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @hiveborgminer.

Wow, it's interesting and cool, it's the first time I'm hearing about it.