So, this is it!

in Ecency2 years ago (edited)


I was jobless for nearly 2 years since covid hits Malaysia on March,2020. But at first year, everything was still under control. That time i was still with my partner. But then he quit his job. And he made a plan to move to my hometown and start a business with my mom.

Well, I have to agree even though I don't really like the idea because His mom had been telling me that its not gonna work out with him. Even his own mother doesn't trust his own son.

But we went anyway. Back to my hometown and slowly we begin to plan what to do and what to sell.
My mom is good with baking cakes and biscuit or any kind of dessert. Thats her specialities. We only can learn thru her.

Few months passed, the business was still growing, but I was in and out the hospital. At first I thought it was something else. Which was weird cos ill get sick only after 6pm (Maghrib Time). Every single day until I was so thin. I can't eat, I don't have the energy to wake up and I was always feeling sick and afraid of dying.

This goes on and on until we had to meet few people and even do some Ruqyah ( muslim ways of treatment) just to know what was wrong with me. Because the hospital and clinic said i am okay. My ECG , blood test, Xray ,everything was Ok. So what is wrong with me???

By july,2021 its getting worst. In one month ill be going to the emergency almost every week. And then the doctor gave me an appointment to see the PSY doctor.

Here the journey begin. With Luvox 50mg increasing to 200mg now and Lorazepam . Taken everyday. And guess what? Mentally abused is REAL. I do wish all of you will not gonna meet a Narsisscist person as your partner, or you will end up like me.

Diagnose with MDD (Major Depression Disorder) & Panic Disorder. Its not fun at all and its no joke. All my friend who knew me, said I've change after meeting this guy. I lost all my friend. Starting with Josh, Amor and the rest is history.

Even though sometimes my friends irritates me but I know they had never mean to hurt me mentally. I push all my friend away from me. Slowly and until i don't have any.

By the time everything was began to fall apart, he surrender. He left. And he started telling people that i'm mentally Unstable. Yadaa yadaaa yaadaa.

But guess what?? The moment he left and he no longer with me and my family,this house begin to shine again. No more worries,no more negatives energies. Gosh, we felt so free and fresh.

My mom was right, even though she was sick and undergo for her Chemotherapy, but everything went smoothly until her 6th cycles. God is with us and without him at home (he dont believe in God exist) there was Peace at last.

So my advice here to everybody, never let a Narsisscist person gets your way. Once you met one, please run away. They can treat you good at the beginning and when they think that you doesn't follow his desire or his demand, you gonna be the worst person .

Actually they can kill you with their terrible lies & words. They never realized how bad they were because they always think that they did good to people. Delusional I can say. They will never admit their wrong doing.

Did any of you have the same experience dealing with this kind of person?

P/S : the picture show my everyday pills to take.


First of all, I'm sorry to hear for what you've been through during this tough time, especially your love life that got tarnished so badly by a person you trusted.

The good thing is, it's already in the past and I'm glad you walk out of there. I'm not a psychology master nor whatsoever related, but writing a blog does keep me sane for the past few years, and since I started in 2017, I can't stop writing. It's like people who document their daily life just to keep them sane.

You may wanna consider to add on a few more tags to pull more readers so you can start to see the beautiful side of hive blockchain.


Thanks for the tips. Tell me more. I have like 1001 stories to share and i didnt know where to start. :-)

Now, go click on #teammalaysia tag and checkout fellow Malaysians, mingle around and get to know them, so they know of your existence.

Sure,will do that. ❤️

Just delegated 50HP to you so you can move around freely. Also noted on your caption, don't let anyone hurt you without your permission? Gotta change that mentality girl, nobody can hurt you with or without your permission. Keep well!

Thank you so much. I didnt know how to express my gratitude towards you. Seriously,i didnt know much about this blog or apps would do for me. Need to know more about this apps can do to me.

Keep writing and engage with others. Most importantly, keep your keys safe.

Yay! 🤗
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stay strong 💪💪 I know it is hard...and I can't say that I know what you are going through.

But what I can say is, the pain will always be there. What matter is, how we take and treat the pain. In sha allah, everything will get better sooner or later 🙏🙏

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I am so sorry that this happened to you but I am glad that he left and you are doing so much better.

Thanks dear.. Yes, finally I know it was better off without him.