Just Keep Outworking and Outperforming: That's My Guide to Lasting Success - On Ecency

in Ecency16 days ago


Hi there friends on Ecency and all other Frontends on Hive.

Today's blog is really special to me because I'm literally about to define the number principle that I live by. This is the most important advice I could give anyone of they ask me for the best advice.

It's no doubt that when you're looking for good advice on success, there's quite a lot of material out there. There's been lots of success story and successful people have given their advice in interviews on how they were able to accomplish the things that made them great.

However, one thing stands true no matter who's speaking and that's the trait of everyone that has become the best at what they do.

Infact before I share that one advice, obviously in most of my blogs I share some video content related.

The videos below I've inspired me and would definitely inspire you to become the very best at what you do

The next one is by one of my favorite business men Mark Cuban and he speaks on the same thing that I'm about to advice you on.

Now guys, the advice is very simple, if you want to be the very best at anything and to be super successful, you need to have the will or the intent to outwork and outperform everyone else. That's the real secret, period.

When I consider success, one principle has always stood out for me: keep improving and surpassing your competition. It’s a way of life not just a strategy. Many people begin their journey towards success, reach a certain level, and then stop pushing themselves. They become satisfied and settle for what they have.

However, I’ve learned that if you strive to be better every day and continuously compete ahead of your rivals, eventually you will get to a point where they are no longer in the same league as you are. This is why I believe in it and how it can be done without burning out.

First we talk personal improvement. Improvement does not happen at once but rather it is an ongoing process . Achieving a goal should never be the end of anything; instead each goal set should pave the way for another one.

For me this means always seeking for ways to challenge myself .That could mean learning new skills , improving on ones already at my disposal or even finding more efficient methods of accomplishing my tasks .This mentality keeps me engaged thus ever motivated to do better at all times.

Being open to feedback and ready for change is a part of enhancing oneself. I have learned how to be actively looking for constructive criticism from other people. It may not be easy at all times to realize that you can do certain things better, however, this feedback is crucial in nurturing one’s growth. In addition, it pinpoints aspects where you can enhance your performance and enables you to become more efficient in what you are doing. I also ensure that I check up on my work regularly.


Another key aspect is outperforming competitors so as to build a competitive advantage. For this purpose, it is necessary to know who the competitors are and what they are doing. I have cultivated a habit of keeping myself abreast with the trends within my industry while watching the competition keenly.

This does not mean following them closely but understanding their plans and strategies which will help you do better than them. Occasionally, it means providing something better than your rivals in terms of quality. Sometimes, it means being faster or providing excellent customer service.

But, it is not about emulating them. It means doing better than your competitors by playing to your strengths. For instance, if one’s competitor has built a reputation for speed, I would rather talk of quality.

Alternatively, I can give priority to dependability in case there is a rival who appears to be very innovative. Through realizing what makes me different and using it to my advantage, I will be able to have an advantage.

While it is important that we must always improve ourselves and ensure that we are ahead of our competitors, avoiding burnout is equally important. Overworking frequently leads to physical and mental exhaustion which is counterproductive. Now I know the symptoms of burnout and how I can avoid slipping into this state . This comprises regular breaks, realistic targets and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Without any doubt, one should take breaks on a regular basis. Our minds and bodies have to be given time off to relax and recover. I’ve discovered that taking brief breaks from my job can actually improve my efficiency as well as creativity. Many times, upon my return I usually am more focused and have fresh ideas in my mind. Another important thing is setting realistic goals also. It is very easy to get carried away and try doing everything at once, which leads to being overwhelmed. Instead of this, what I do is break down big goals into smaller manageable parts of it. This makes it easier for me to keep track of my progress and remain motivated.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is another key to avoiding burnout as an employee. You must make sure that you have time for relaxation as well as activities that you enjoy. Personally, this entails making out some free time with family members, partaking in hobbies or even engaging in body exercise. These exercises assist me in refreshing myself while maintaining the sharpness of the mind.Meaning that when I take care of myself,I’m much better equipped for optimal performance.

In the end, keeping on getting better than others and yourself is the best formula that can enable one to achieve sustainable success. It calls for determination, an openness to new ideas, a middle way that will help prevent fatigue. By being dedicated to this model you will be able to reach goals and continue progressing. Don’t forget that success is not where you are going but the journey itself.

So keep pushing, keep improving until one day you realize that your competitors are no longer your peers at all.

I sincerely hope this advice helps you to become the very best at what you do guys. Be safe and never give up guys.


I read all the knowledge you shared in this post. This is very useful knowledge. And it's useful for everyone, keep sharing your knowledge, friends, because that is a very noble act. Compete in the right and appropriate way..

Thank you my brother for sharing your knowledge❤❤

You're most welcome riyat... I'm glad you're inspired..
Absolutely I love competition but only the healthy one though.. I really don't like the unhealthy one at all.... Thanks for stopping by bruv

You are welcome, my brother. Let's move further together 🔥🔥❤

Absolutely, have a great day... Going to bed .. goodnight

Good night too my brother❤

Good morning bruv how r you doing

Good morning, too,
I am very nice. how are you brother..?

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👍🏻 Love the spirit. Slow and steady wins the race.

You're absolutely right on that bruv, just like the say Slow is smooth and smooth is fast

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Wow that's a lot of Upvotes, keep me notified my dearest @hivebuzz

We will!

You're very reliable @hivebuzz 🥰🥰🥰💯💯💯💯

Very true! This reminds me of a similar principle I came across a few years ago, "outwork, outimprove, outstrategize and outlast".

In practice, it can be really simple but the hard part is usually sticking to it for a sufficient amount of time.

Yes you're absolutely right on that bruv... Saying it an as simple as doing.. it takes some serious level of discipline on my part to live like that

Great advice!

Thank you so much Mel🥰🥰🥰

These are great tips from you and very helpful. I agree that while we improve ourselves and keep pushing forth, we must also not compromise our well-being. Thanks for these and I wish you the best!

Wow I'm so happy my blog inspired you my dearest... It's a pleasure to share this... I'm very happy

Cheers :) Hope you're having a wonderful day.

Absolutely dearest I'm loving my day, almost done with my blog for today..💯💯💯