Keep on keeping on...

in Reflectionslast month


It's one of those odd days where I am not really sure what I want to write about. I figured since I am probably just going to ramble on for a bit, I would throw this post in the #reflections community. It was created by @tarazkp a while ago and I am abundantly grateful that he did. Make no mistake, it isn't a catch all community, but it is a great place to put thoughts into writing and hope that something sticks.

I can't promise this post will be as profound as most of the ones that he writes, but sometimes, you just need to put hands to keyboard and see what comes out.

I've noticed over the past couple of months that Hive has kind of slowed down. I'll probably write a bit more about it in my finance post tomorrow, but right now it feels like the whole crypto space has ground to a halt. It wasn't unexpected and I know it isn't nearly as dramatic as I make it sound, but it's still obvious enough that it's hard not to notice it.

As @whywhy pointed out the other day even at $61,000 BTC is still way up from the average of $27,500 it held in May of last year. Maybe I was being a bit dramatic earlier...

Official stats would possibly prove otherwise but as I said, comments and content seems to have significantly slowed down on Hive. Despite that, I plan on continuing the same way I have been for the past six years. I've built something pretty cool here and I'm not about to abandoned it.


@mrsbozz and I took some big steps the other day when we packed up some of Jovi's old stuff and took it to the humane society to donate. We still had about 3/4 of a bag of her (semi expensive) dog food and I was worried that if we left it out the ants might start showing up and getting into it.

I had also recently gotten about 7 bags of treats by using up some points from a rewards program that the Blue Buffalo company was shuttering. Finally, we took in one of her old collars that we never really used and a bunch of blankets and washable rugs for them to use with the animals there.

They asked if we wanted to come in and look around, but we declined. It's still too fresh for us, we are doing better, but I still have the occasional morning where I find myself crying alone in my office.

We recently used an online service to have one of her photos turned into a canvas. It is now hanging in our living room at the top of the stairs so she can still look out the window like she used to when she was alive. That was one of her favorite spots.

Oh shoot, there I go again with the crying...

As part of our canvas order we got a free smaller size print of our choice. I really wanted something to put in my office at work, so I picked the photo above to have printed on a canvas. When it arrives I will hang it on the wall next to my so I can look at it every day.

I should have done this when she was still with us.


My friend @diamonddave has been going through some rough medical stuff lately. Right now I control his account, but I have been meaning to get him set up on Ecency sometime so that he can start writing about it should he feel like it. I know that long form content isn't for everyone though, but maybe with some of the other front ends he might be able to start creating.

Does @liketu have a mobile app? That would be ideal for him I think.

Meanwhile, it's also his wife's (@mrsbozz's best friend) birthday today, so a very happy Birthday to her! Sadly she is going to be spending most of the day at the hospital as @diamonddave gets some more tests done, but hopefully they can find a little time to celebrate!


I met up with @a4xjeeper for dinner a couple of weeks ago (I really need to get him set up on Ecency too). It was the first time I have talked to him in person for a while and it was really nice to catch up. He had a Coca Cola silver round to give me (which I already posted about), and I had some old tires that I needed to transfer over to him. I got new wheels on my truck recently and he was interested in keeping the old rims around (just in case).

We went to a local bar that I have never visited before. It's called The Duel Bar and it's literally out in the middle of nowhere. I actually think it used to be a guys house and he decided to turn it into a bar one day. I could be wrong though.


The food was quite good, and the conversation was even better. I might have mentioned that @a4xjeeper recently purchased a large commercial property to move his business to. Unfortunately, like many of us he is playing the waiting game to actually get into the property. After the closing he gave the current owners 90 days to get out of the building and they will likely take the full 90 days. It's safe to say he is chomping at the bit to get in there and start making it his own.

Whether it's test results, waiting for the markets to move, getting over the loss of our dog, or real estate moves, it kind of feels like we are all in a state of limbo right now. The best thing we can do is "keep on keeping on" like the title of this post suggests.

I've got a big update for you tomorrow if you have been following some of my other posts lately. Make sure you stop back and find out what it is!

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


I think it felt like this before the last bull market too. Then overnight we had tons of people here, posting about any and everything but mainly those Leo-esque posts about trading advice and how this bull run will change everything, etc. Last bull run we also saw Splinterlands explode, so that brought tons of people here too. After the bull ended, it gradually trailed down to where it is now. I expect it will repeat. Maybe not as high as last time. I don't think Splinterlands will explode again or bring in as many people this time, and there is no other big game. But I think we will still see a similar pattern.

I think you are probably right. This is just the kind of wait and see phase. I remember it a bit, but I don't think I was quite as invested in it last time. Either that or my focus was split and I wasn't paying as much attention.

Whatever it is, let's keep going; doing what we have to do.

For sure! I'm here for the long haul!

I believe that everything is a cycle, sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad; But the important thing is to keep going, in addition to writing it is liberating, it lets me off steam, transmitting something that really matters to you is therapeutic.

May you be very well!

Thanks, I appreciate that! It's definitely cyclical. This isn't the first time I have seen this. It just always surprises me given the potential here.

Ecency has waves for shortform, he might like that?

What a great way to honor Jovi :) And when the time comes, she will be an angel watching over your new friend

I don't think crypto is so much halting as getting ready for alt season. The calm before the storm?

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The calm before the storm is probably a good way to put it. I just don't remember it being quite so calm before! I don't know if we will ever get another pet. Right now the consensus is no. Time might soften that stance... I was thinking about Waves, but I don't think it interacts with the main chain quite the same way as liketu. If they finally dive in, I want their experience to be worthwhile.

I'm not sure how Waves interacts either, but you can ask Melinda :)

Hopefully after you have healed some, you will reconsider. So many animals need a loving home, and it's easy to see how much you guys have to offer

We will see... :)

keep posting, i joined hive 11 days ago and i truly enjoy it. i hope this gives you some motivation😀

That's great! Keep at it! It's a marathon not a sprint, but it is totally worth it! Thanks for stopping by!

That must have been hard to get rid of some of the dog stuff.. it's not weird that you have a hard time with that, still so fresh. Big hug!

It seems at least you're in good company, new memories are made :)

Yes, that was actually a pretty old group photo though. I haven't seen him in person in a while as he hasn't been leaving the house much except to go to the doctor. I'm hoping to spend some time with them again in a couple of weeks.

I may not understand well about the situation of Hive, hope it can recover. I found it interesting to explore the Hive community.

It's a pretty cool place to be if you hang around long enough. There is tons to see and do here!

I agree, as evidenced by the photos you took.

Visit on a mobile browser to get the mobile experience. Or, visit directly from the keychain app.

Alternatively, visit

A mobile native app is coming, but the progressive web app we have currently is basically 90% of the way there.

Okay thanks, I will have to check that out. I need something relatively easy for them as they are quite new to crypto.

Absolutely. Let us know how they get on.

I see this up and downs in people's e posting or commenting and interactions depends on hive increase or decrease by the way I think it's important to continue posting also when the hive its down. ❤️

It's most important to post when Hive is down because you are effectively making more Hive. When the price goes up, you end up benefitting.

I had a little cokers spanihs dog for 9 years, she was my life, my love...I suffered her for 5 years until Chloe came along a grumpy chihuahua that eased my pain. But no, you don't forget, I promised myself never to have pets again, but I need to love animals.

Hive used to be more active?

You mean there were more people, more publications, more whales?
I am new here, I hope all is well with Hive.

I think one day a long time down the road I could see getting a dog again, but my wife is not even open to it at this point and I totally get and respect that. We have traveling to do first.

Yes to all of the above concerning HIVE.

Burger looks great. Happy birthday, mine is tomorrow

Oh thanks, mine isn't until a little later, but my friends was today.

That’s who i was saying it to. I read your post

Oh, haha, my bad. Time for bed I guess!

That is the part of success, staying on despite the present shaking. Things will certainly turn out fine.

I hope so!


You are out of jokes for the day!

@phillarecette you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 10 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!