Joy Ride

in Reflectionslast month (edited)


Hi! How are you today? I hope you are doing well. Let's take some ride on this life's journey.

Are you someone who loves motorcycle rides?

Or are you someone who rides to blow away the pain in your heart?

Well for me, I choose the latter. I am not fond of taking rides. But I appreciated it when I am feeling down and low. Taking a distance ride to feel free and happy for a short span of time. And I always say this to myself: just like this travel, I hope I can reach my destination of making my dreams come true.


Last day, my wife and I decided to take a ride to Danao City. We will visit someone dear to our hearts as she prepares her new business. We left from our residence at noon. It was a very hot day, but we still continued our travel since we had a target time to arrive and return home.

Along the way, we stopped at a gas station to fill some gas. After that, we continued our way and observed the towns and other vehicles. Then that was the time I had some realizations about life.


Life is like a ride

As we journey here on earth, we are like riding a vehicle on a long road. Aiming to reach our destination, which can make us feel happy and satisfied. There are other riders who recklessly drive their vehicles. While others followed the rules imposed by the Land Transportation Office. We also observed that there are parts of the road that need repair. If you can't notice the holes, it could lead to an accident.

Just like in life, there are commandments that we need to follow but are mostly violated. There are earthly things that tempt us to do such things. But because we believe that we have a loving and merciful God, we can make ourselves renewed and do our best to avoid committing sin.

There are paths in life that give us burdens. If we cannot notice them, it will lead us into a very difficult situation. We need to be focused on our way to be safe as we proceed to our destination. Obstacles may give us some delay in achieving our dreams; we just need to continue and overcome them, and for sure we can reach our goal.

We can also meet people in life like those road violators. They will give us threats, palpitations, and even hamper the timeliness of our plans. They can ruin our dreams if we let them control our trip. If we need to stop to avoid accidents or tragedies, then stop. We'll just continue whenever we feel okay and focus again on reaching the place of success.

John 3:16

I remembered a short clip about John 3:16. It was a train full of sinners. Lust, drug abuse, a couple having quarrels, and many more. It was emphasized that we need to see the traffic lights in our lives. We should know when to stop and when to proceed. There were unexpected circumstances that happened to us. Maybe it was already a sign to stop, but we still continued our journey and later experienced bad situations.

In the clip, the driver of the train was not able to notice the signal to stop since the bridge was not yet back in its position. The son, without the knowledge of the father, did his best to manually pull the lever to make way for the train. But the son got stuck on it, and the train was coming. The father was looking for his son until he saw him from afar. If he pulls the lever from his station, his son will die. But as he thinks of the people on the train, he sacrifices his only son.

Now my question is, are we going to wait for a life to be sacrificed for us to be saved? I guess we have to be more cautious about our actions. When we know it's wrong, stop. Wrong will always be wrong, even if many of us are doing it. Our journey needs guidance. We need to communicate with God. Our call for him has no signal interruptions or payment. This communication is free, it is our prayer.


As we arrived at our friend's business location, I also realized that we just needed to enjoy the ride. Whatever we encounter, we need to be joyful so we can be optimistic all the time. If we see everything positively, whatever outcomes we receive, we can still satisfy ourselves.


Just like this Hut Spot of Dawn, she encountered a lot of distractions, but she was able to make it a reality. Let us fill our hearts with gladness. Let us have our joy ride in journeying through this life. There is a beautiful place that awaits us ahead of the road. There might be a delay in our arrival, but one thing is important: we achieved our goal.

Thank you for your precious time. I appreciate your support. Till next time.


Lead image was edited in Canva. Other images were taken using Realme 12 5G phone.


Things take time, sir @cup-bearer. But with determination and with God’s grace, we will surely achieve our goals in life. ✨

Yes @reshychannn. We just need to trust His plan. He made a promise. Let us hold on it. ❤️🫶

Sure, we will indeed achieve our goals

Thank you @oasiskp2 for taking time to read my blog. My good wishes for you. Have a great day. 🫶

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My acknowledgment to your untiring support and for giving me rewards @hivebuzz. See you on my next achievement. 🫶

You're welcome @cup-bearer. Looking forward to you reaching your new target 😅

I agree sir. @cup-bearer

Thank you ma'am @fixyetbroken for taking time to read my blog. Have a great day.

You're welcome, sir. @cup-bearer