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RE: Is It That Simple? Really?

in Reflections2 months ago

Well, I don't know how fit my brain is, but you're right, this is a game for sharp minds and you have to be at the top of your game if you want to get somewhere. Most of the traders are training regularly and eating healthy, to be able to put in the work.

I couldn't agree more on the rest.

It sounds harsh for a lot of people but I can't help but agree with it. The issue is that nobody taught them. The school system is meant to educate followers who obey orders. This is why a lot of people do not even question why they are doing what they are doing.

I couldn't agree more on the rest. You know what's funny? If you tell a 4 or 5 year old kid to do or not do something, they ask Why? You explain them why and what you get from them is another Why? and they continue this till they drive you crazy. Where is that curiosity when they grow up?

The truth is, those who don't use their brain can be better manipulated but that doesn't mean we have to be one of them.


Oh the word that a lot of parents tend to despise " why", "why", "why". This shows natural curiosity.
I think that this innate trait is stifled when the adults constantly belittle the children and have no interest in nurturing this great quality. In the end boredom and a sort of sad acceptance and cynicism sets in.
Just like a trader has to always be on guard about their way of living I think we should do the same with our attitude towards children.

You have some really wise words here Mary! Many could and should learn from you 🫠