Get obsessed with success ...

in Reflections28 days ago

Do you want to be the best version of yourself in your personal area?

Obsess about success and stop the bullshit of thinking that it's arrogance to want to be the best.

If, I am afraid of failure I will not succeed, what I have is to be afraid of not succeeding, that is to achieve this I have to always focus on the goal. Maybe you who read me think differently from me and that this should not be the case, that suddenly I am stimulating the obsession in others.

The people who are successful are the ones who dream, live, eat, bathe and go to the bathroom thinking about success.

If,I don't feel like the best version of myself, the best at what I do, and I don't care what others say, "she thinks she's the best, she's very believed in, and she gives a shit, well, not if you want to be successful, you just have to address that and look until you get there.

So stop being the humble one, look that humility goes down another path, and it's not exactly the path of success, I can't succeed thinking that I am going to fail, the people who succeed are the people who have only one thing in mind To succeed, without fear of commitment, of being betrayed, of being robbed of the idea and the millions of fears that can be added to it.

Not letting limitations reign in the mind, and I can't, because of this and that. That's cosmic straw!, and excuses.

The key to success is discipline, the desire, the effort, the OBSESSION, history has shown this, the great successful in life is not because they were crying and victimizing themselves for the things that happen to them, they are there is why even and with everything that happens to them, they became obsessed by being someone in life and what do you think? They got it... Do you want it? Get obsessed.

You have to think and act on that.

My niece Carla went to Chile a few years ago with 500 dollars: today she is successful in work and personal because she has focused, resistance to the obstacle did not stop her, she works on herself, effort, dedication, passion, control during conflict situations and knowing that only success awaits her. The process is the most important and interesting, a mind always training for success in which it triumphs

One extra piece of advice...

"Shut up, keep the silence of how you do it🤐.” Work on success, but keep quiet. 1- you arrive faster and 2- you don't fall badly. And almost no one understands it, so they say: Well, then!, and this one that is believed. So it's better to be quiet, let success do the talking.

And expect everything to fall from the sky, only the mediocre cherish that hope.

To move is what it is, no matter age, no matter anything, realize your dreams and that's it. Success is in our mind, it is because it can and will always be in our life, only focus, perseverance and perseverance that nothing falls from the sky, we have to strive.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL