The routine, caught me unprepared...

in Reflections27 days ago

And I didn't even think about going through a storm of such magnitude, especially when plans are changed in fractions of a second.

For excessive criticism or lack of understanding, it is important to set healthy boundaries, to keep moving forward in not falling into a lie called happiness with fake smiles and sad eyes for living on an appearance.

Sometimes the routine catches me off guard and the world has fallen on me by God, it has been very difficult in situations that do not correspond and have put me in checkmate.

A few years ago, I went through depression I was working almost 14 hours a day and that was my routine, until I made the decision to change almost all my routines step by step, I started by changing my routes and ways of going to work, I had breakfast outside the house, the decoration of my office and the dynamics with the employees at that time, also changed.

Until the time came to decide to change my job and do it independently, at my own pace and my own times, nowadays, I have space to practice sports, and other recreational activities.

Life is change, routine undoubtedly helps to have structure, but it is well worth changing the signs to regenerate ourselves.

In the same way, I have daily routines at home, only I always do something different as much as possible and invent different situations from another perspective so as not to fall into that routine, for example, I dance and listen to music, so I avoid being suffocated by the routine.

These actions of changing perspective, make a difference.

We have to give ourselves spaces. Friends who pass by looking for you or call you and say "come and have a coffee" also fit in here. I'm in such a place.

Monotony should not catch me off guard anymore, because it invades in such a way that it consumes me and discharges my good energy, lol. It is necessary to move, change the routine, try new things, in short, in the action there is the flow with life.

The problem also comes because I have been a person with a lot of external stimulus and when things become routine, you don't know how to deal with it. I always want that adrenaline rush of the new. I think that the change that I started to give after my 50th birthday is my teacher, the one who teaches me new ways.

Now I review my routines and I have learned to identify and prevent depressive traits, so I protect my mental health.

Many times we fall into a state of physical and mental decay, emotional heaviness, inexplicable sadness, lack of appetite for the things that I used to be excited about, that is, I literally feel "not wanting to do anything", signs that we have to know how to cut and stop to get out of the way of how to overcome that feeling of existential emptiness. Has it happened to you? Are you feeling depressed and don't know why? Let's talk in comments.


Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL