Under construction ...

in Reflections14 days ago

With communication technology... The sky is the limit...

When I'm alone I get into creative mode, I always have half-finished projects.

From coloring mandalas, gardening, moving everything at home: paintings, furniture carpets, creating new focal points, knitting small utilitarian things, getting into a personal care one, studying, reading, singing, dancing, painting, watching TV, crying if I'm sad, or laughing if it's a comedy, going for a walk in the park or going to a restaurant and ordering something tasty and enjoying every bite.

I always have something to do, and I want to learn, in education, culture, health, mindset, because everything evolves, from the real estate area and about what is socially trending.

I also like to do free online courses and workshops, anything from technology, hair calorimetry, how to make cheeses to crafter hobbyists, solving word games... he-he... Whatever provokes me, then!

I think that when one enjoys what one does in solitude, it becomes a blessing; having all the time to do what I like, is also a way to learn to love myself more for when I am with myself, and it is one of my favorite moments, it is one of my formulas so that loneliness does not generate anxiety or affect me ever.

I can understand that I will never be alone if I am with me, I can find meaning in my hobbies, my work, my passion for the performing arts, my family, my friends and in maintaining a life until the last day of it, because I am a powerful creator I must stay focused because I have myself.

Something I have learned over the years, in those moments when I am alone.

That certainty does not exist, that we must embrace uncertainty! Stop wanting to have 100% security and be happier, I will learn to enjoy this path called life, in freedom.

Learning to say goodbye to that need for absolute certainty is to understand that being alone is leaving behind everything I do not need to move forward.

Learning to get comfortable in the uncomfortable (solo).

It's a process with a few steps "under construction" maybe it sounds methodical, robotic, that's what I've been told when I verbalize it 😂 obviously, without leaving aside the emotions that all that process implies, while I learn it practicing it, in action. And it's over and that's it of the history...

It comes back to live with things to do when I am alone, with projects that I am passionate about. Learning to be my best partner.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


We are never alone when we are with ourselves, nice reflection and very valid, I share the same thought, that's why we must always take care of ourselves and treat ourselves with kindness.

That's my dear Ana María and this implies having a wonderful and unique strength to look at reality without fear, I send you a tight🫂 hug 🌹

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @soyunasantacruz suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

Thankssss You so much @soyunasantacruz , thanksful 🌹 @hivecurators

@janitzearratia, you are most welcome!

Usted nunca para de aprender, desde bien temprano activa, como estar sola si siempre la acompañan hasta los pensamientos de lo que va hacer o próximo a aprender.

Es bonito vivir así.

You never stop learning, from very early on you are active, how can you be alone if you are always accompanied by thoughts of what you are going to do or what you are about to learn.

It is nice to live like this.

To me to be alone, is like that friend, great, wise, beautiful there are always tools to learn a lot, whether alone or accompanied, sometimes I feel that I am healing and freeing myself from so many things that I get very scared, but in my soul I have the certainty that even under construction everything will be fine. Thank you for your comment. @leidimarc