Heat Mirage Optical Illusions

in Reflections4 months ago

Life Layered Two Reflections

Reflection in remembering earlier years comparing dramatic change, always whispered in hushed tones by older generation, mirage life's many layers, slow to reveal...


Watching highly maneuverable helicopter skipping between private homes trying to flush out robbers with ground patrols obviously close at hand to warrant an arrest.


Whoever was committing the crime, hopefully caught and do the time! How very much times have changed right before my eyes.


Reflecting back to the late 1980s when our Airforce still existed at old Durban International Airport as their home base. Returning from training manoeuvres in the Drakensberg which is well known to have excellent conditions for pilots to learn tackling variety of air flow conditions. They passed directly over our home where the children would spill out into the garden to watch them, waving greetings from below. How very much we miss those years!

Apart from official military support the squadron is involved in mountain rescue and air-sea rescue operations, fire fighting, crime prevention and humanitarian relief in the event of disasters. SAA-History


Back in the garden enjoying nature, far more robust in maneuverability are dragonflies, enchant then amaze me with variety in size or wing display.


A Woolly-necked stork decided to do a fly through exercising it's rights of the skies above, more 'fixed wing' like those who practice flight over our valley regularly.


Small light planes often practice through the valley high or low flying has been allowed here for as long as I can remember.


A few small planes during the day I wonder if it is cooler up there, down here on the ground it is baking hot, do they see the heat haze reflecting above. How would you feel, would that too echo a longing passion, fly free above the haze?

Valley fills with heat shimmer as do the roads, where cycle of hot then cooler air creates many layers as does human interaction with one another. Leading my thought to division being created by unseen forces slowly being revealed!

Back let's touch base with Woolly-neck launching off hot roof, long enough investigation into the reflections on life, take to the sky.


Mirage heat across valley midday sun on hot sultry days we have been experiencing, currently overcast with promise of rain after lawns are burned it revives me with hope of another day reflecting on what we endure through experiencing different lifestyles, let life not simply be a mirage.



All photography is my own using a Canon PowerShot SC730 HS, resized for easier loading, writing is my own. Thanks for taking time to read, let me know your comments on how you feel about living in a mirage.

Thought for Today: "The radiate sun reflections and lightening cannot make a blind person see." - African Proverbs





That helicopter seems to be flying quite low, I wonder if the using the helicopter to hunt for criminals helps.


Helicopters in tandem with ground patrols most effective, birds eye view of them jumping fences through gardens or hiding in bush, more often than not a success. !LOLZ

I can imagine the success rate of using Helipcoter, these crimes know how to go undercover.

Earlier years police often flushed criminals out of the sugar cane fields using helicopters. This was smaller, able to move between the homes with no clear identification which makes me think it is private security doing the chase.

Perhaps I should stay indoors, who knows when bullets come flying 🙃

Oh yeah please stay indoors, can't be safe out there!

When I hear gunshots at night I stay firmly indoors, when they hunting like this I stay in the courtyard and peep out.... Not brave no superwoman here!

Lol just the way I would do!

Sundays are always a little sad
but the day before is a sadder day.

Credit: reddit
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Insects and birds look more beautiful in the sky than those iron birds that make noise and awaken the stillness of the landscape. Everything has changed, my friend, even us. Thank you for sharing. Nice weekend. 🦩🦆🕊️ 🥰

Dragonflies aplenty this time of year, birds always close, man made flying machines are fascinating but most definitely noisy. Thanks for visit and have a great day as well.

Good morning 🤗

Dragonflies win!! I hope the police caught the buggahs!

What police what airforce most probably private security flushed this lot out. Police helicopter has insignia, I did not see any on this heli.

Secret private police forces in the sky, not good!!

We rely heavily on private security here....

There are fewer than 150,000 police officers in South Africa for a population of 62 million people. Yet, in comparison, more than 2.7 million private security officers are registered in the country, making the security industry one of the world's largest. Africa News

Wow, I never knew that

When you led by Bumpkins that interfere in world matters, never look to take care of their own.... Ja/Nee, I call it posturing....

Hello dear friend @joanstewart good afternoon
I think the same thing is happening in less developed countries, the crisis has led the armed forces to not have the presence and importance as before.

The things you can see in your garden are beautiful, seeing wildlife has no equal.

Thank you very much for showing us these beautiful shots.

Have a happy start to the weekend

Our military, police forces no longer pride of country, seldom see them looking after their own, politicians are too busy sending them further afield meddling in matters they should not be involved in. Here the people continue to suffer, Crime Stats Released 3rd Quarter Yesterday.

Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful weekend.


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