Forbidden fruit

in Reflections2 months ago

When I was a teenager I thought one of the jobs I would love to do would be dolphin trainer. Swimming with them looked so cool and especially after watching that TV series called Flipper. 😄

It really was. I swam with them once when I went to the dolphinarium in Varadero. However, over time I realised that I like the sea, but not so much as to be so deep inside of it: So, swimming with dolphins was a tremendous experience...

that didn't root the desire to work as a trainer.

(I laugh)

Don't get the wrong idea. It was nice. So nice that I'll never forget that feeling. I also realised that water was not my element. Or it is, but not as a fish that swims with other fish. In this case dolphins are not fish, but you understand me, don't you?

I'll tell you why water is my element in another way. Remind me if I forget to explain it before I put the final DOT to this post.

Wait... I forgot to place the cover image I made in Canva. Look how cool it is.

canva-forbidden fruit.jpg

And now you'll say: but wasn't this crazy girl going to talk about fruit?

Oh, yeah. Sorry.

One coconut.
Another coconut.

The third coconut.

You don't believe me, you think it's the same coconut in three different photos?


Oh, but why are you so distrustful?

------------------------ patience! serenity! 😅

Btw, look at this mess!


Meow... more patience and more serenity. 😏


Honestly, I don't understand this ritual of Yin rubbing himself with coconuts. 😄

Let's connect things a bit here. Desiring what we don't even know and fruits.


Coconut is a fruit that I like very much because with it I can make so many sweet and savoury things and even quench my thirst. I planted a coconut tree to keep them handy. I am very clever, yes. It took years for it to grow and give coconuts! Keep this in mind.

But this:


It is a fruit called Caimito. And although I knew of its existence, and sometimes wished to try it, I didn't do so until this sublime Sunday when I was ready to savour it.

However, do you know how long it has been in my fridge? Several days. I just couldn't make up my mind. It almost rotted, but I remembered Dreemport's squash and gave it a chance.

(that's what a #dreemerforlife does)

It turns out that some family friends, Eliseo and Zenaida, sent me a Caimito with my parents, several days ago, I repeat. But apparently everything has its time. I gave it a try after a few days, not without a little fear that when it reached my mouth, I wouldn't like it at all.

You have to be brave to desire, and I think also to receive and taste the object of your desire when it finally arrives. And even more so if it's something as exotic as this Caimito. 🤣

It's not the same as the Mamey.


Have you ever made a Top Ten fruit list? That is, the ones you prefer in order, with the number one being... well, you know, the one that melts you, that fruit that when you see it, it makes you mad and you just want to put it in your mouth.

Come on, tell me about it. I'd love to read you in the comments.


I tell you that, in my case, between the mamey and the ripe banana there is a fierce battle... which I think the mamey wins.

Imagine a mamey milkshake with frappé ice.

(No. You can't if you've never tried it. But if you try it, it can happen to you as it happened to me with Caimito...)

For me, it is something unparalleled in history. It is a known object of desire that I can't always have, but only at specific times of the year, like this one for example. Unless I buy a lot of ripe mameyes and store them in portions in the fridge and thus prepare myself to have it all year round on a regular basis.

mamey.gif created with Free GIF Maker

And then comes another question:

Would I get bored of mamey? Would it fall from its high and first place in the Top Ten?


What I do know is that Caimito is not even on that list I think, even if it looks exotic, and maybe a little forbidden because Caimito trees are not plentiful.

(you might want to think about other things we want to be or have apart from the dolphin training thing and this apotheosic fruity speech)

... keep going... this would be my list:

  1. Mamey
  2. Banana
  3. Custard apple
  4. Soursop
  5. Pineapple
  6. Tangerine (oh... this one was in third place. What happened? 🤷‍♀)
  7. Orange
  8. Lemon or coconut ... 😐
  9. Apple (I like it, but I'm not convinced to include it here)
  10. Papaya

I really need to go through this list a bit as I am not sure right now of anything I wrote there.

Maybe I shouldn't do a top ten. 🤔

(I'm about to hyperventilate, give me a paper bag) 🤣 - a joke.

These sublime thoughts have taken up much of my Sunday. And I feel the need to focus a bit more on the things I want and prefer to be consistent and confident with this. It would help a lot in my life, I guess.

Another question: Do you consider yourself a secure, insecure or middle-of-the-road person?


PS. The water thing did not slip my mind. It's just that another sublime thought came and it seems to me that I can dedicate a whole post to it and reflect on how beneficial and powerful it is. It won't be new what I'll say but I can give it a touch to make it seem so at least. 😅

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Naniiii, Eduardo también hacía chicle con la resina del caimito jajajajaja.

Mi lista sería algo complicada

1- Plátano, mango, mandarina, anón, naranja, chirimoya, piña y tamarindo (todas me gustan por igual) 😆🤣

Después...todas las demás que he probado y las que no también 🤣. Ahhh, saco de la lista el caimito, la pomarosa y el canistel.

Chicle jajaja... mira que la gente inventa. La pomarrosa tiene sabor a perfume. Hace años que no como eso, desde niña, figúrate. Pero recuerdo su sabor. Allá en Pilotos con mis primos solíamos recoger pomarrosas al lado de la represa
El canistel no lo he probado.
Yo desperté y me hice un batido de frutabomba de las de mi mata, con platanito. Aquí lo tengo a mi lado mientras te respondo.
¡Qué maravilla poder comer lo que uno cosecha!

Hi @nanixxx, I admit that making a fruit list that I like is complicated for me. My parents had a fruit shop where I worked for years, enough years for me to dislike fruit. But I leave a list of 5:

Strawberry; banana; raspberry; cherry.
ok, that's 4...

About how I consider myself; no estoy seguro.

A hug

😂 Look at you, you're so funny. You always make me laugh.

Todo es erry menos nana. 😅

Es cierto, todo es erry; no vi la traducción 😂

You killed me with this publication with what I like fruits and that mamey I didn't try it!

Cats rub on things to leave their hormones that are in the cheeks, that way they say... this is mine hahahahaha for example I am from Cata and Tony!!!!

Well, he rubs himself with everything so he wants it all.


For he wants it all!!! mark territory!

Sobre lo del mamey, no sé si en España lo podrás encontrar. 👀

Lo veo como algo conocido... tal vez le han puesto otro nombre, no me extrañaría jajaja

I love eating mamey too. It's called chico in our place. I like savoring its taste. I also like caimito but not that much. I usually scrape its flesh in a bowl and put some condensed milk and ice. If I'm going to list down the fruits I like, I only have 5.

  1. Mango
  2. Apple
  3. Banana
  4. Chico
  5. Coconut

I have eaten other fruits, but i just don't like them to be part of my list. 😅

Oh... I just realised that I didn't include the mango in my list.... 😱

I definitely need to take a good look at this and come to a conclusion.
This won't let me sleep. 😄😂 Hand me the bag please I'm really hyperventilating now.


Hey, you have a very cool top five.

Thanks for visiting and for the support.

I'm sorry for that. 🤣 Just make it two fruits depending on what number you want mango to be placed. 😅

The mango under the mamey always. Hahaha... Good morning.

You have some weird looking fruit over there @nanixxx I dont think you could tempt me to try! I shall stick to raspberries and strawberries and maybe the odd banana thank you, the first two with fresh cream, the banana with vanilla custard! mmmmmm yummy scrummy

You're not going to try them? Not even the mamey?

the first two with fresh cream, the banana with vanilla custard!

That's heaven itself!

I think I shall pass thank you

Amiga, estos posts tuyos son lo máximo, no puedo evitar pensar que te patina un poco el "Coconut" 😁. Me divierto mucho pero también descubro y aprendo cosas como en este caso, jamás había visto un caimito, mi papá me habla mucho de que en su infancia los alrededores del río Majagua tenia muchas de esaa frutas. Pero desgraciadamente hoy ds algo muuuy raro de ver. Respondiendo a tu pregunta, mi fruta preferida es la uva, desgraciadamente disfruto más las importadas 😅, y eso me limita mucho el consumo, asi que mientras tanto voy comiendo Piña, mango o mamey, siempre que sea temporada o la economia lo permita.

¿Pero no has hecho un TOP TEN nunca? 🤣 - esto del patinaje es lo mío.

But you've never done a TOP TEN? 🤣 - this coconut skating thing 😜 is my thing.

I think they should include Mangosteen as well there. !LOLZ
the Mamey looks so yummy, and the flesh is so fat. : )

Now there is a career in ruins.

Credit: reddit
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Mangosteen did not know of its existence. I went to St. Google and saw it. That one looks exotic too! 🤣

Mamey ... 🤤

Prohibido comerte esos cocos, hay que hacer coquitos el fin de semana. 🥥🥥🥥❤️🥰

¡A sus órdenes capitana! 🫡