Dancing with death

in Reflections4 months ago (edited)

"There is one thing as inevitable as death, and that is life."
Charles Chaplin

A Necessary Introduction

Life changes you in a second and can be replaced by death. This is a more than evident reality and several facts attest it. But, to experience it in the flesh or to be the protagonist of this movie is very hard to accept.

A few months ago I was diagnosed with a disease and the doctor ordered a biopsy because the lesion observed made it advisable. You can imagine what went through my head. It is true that I have taken a stronger position than I expected and that I have tried not to collapse, but it is very hard to accept.

After undergoing all the indicated tests and the biopsy, it was negative. What a joy I felt and what happiness for my family, but, in a CT scan that I had a lesion in another organ of my body that had been giving problems since 2020 and I must undergo the same process of biopsy and everything else.

Based on the above and knowing that life is limited, I have decided to leave this reflection in which I will give you some advice that you may know, but we do not apply them until a moment like this comes to us.

This is not at all a fatalistic reflection. It is true that I am dancing with death, but, I am still alive and, while there is life there is hope.

7 tips to be taken into account in your life

For these reasons, here are some tips for you to apply today because tomorrow may be too late:

  • Have as much fun as you can. Life is so unpredictable that many times we leave celebrations for later, not knowing that the later is today, that when you want to have fun it may be too late.
  • Take care of who you have in your life. The people you have around you are the most important people in your life. They may fight, they may argue, but they are the ones who run when you have a problem or take care of you when you are sick. They are the ones who are with you when you have difficulties, they are not only in the good times.
  • Love intensely. Love is a universal feeling and when I say love intensely I mean not only to your sentimental partner, but to everyone you have that you give some value to: Love your parents, your children, your friends, your pets, your work.
  • Take care of nature. As a teacher and nature lover I can say that at the rate we are going we are poisoning the waters, polluting the atmosphere, killing the trees that are the lungs of the universe. In this sense, any action you can do to care for the environment is vital. For example, plant a tree, do not throw garbage in the sea or in the street or any other similar action.
  • Do not accumulate so much wealth. Having wealth is not bad, that is not what I am referring to, but, many times we dedicate ourselves to accumulate wealth and forget to enjoy it waiting for an ideal occasion, without knowing that the ideal moment is today.
  • Do not exchange money for health. Health is the most precious good we have and many times we do not value this and in the face of an illness we do not go to the doctor and we dedicate ourselves more to our work than to our health without knowing that without health there is nothing.
  • Do no harm. Many times life gives you back what you do multiplied by two. This is a sentence called Karma. If you do well, you can sleep and talk quietly with your pillow. Whoever does wrong, sooner or later pays for it.

A final comment

Maybe the next biopsy will be negative, if not, I will try not to throw myself to die prematurely or say why me or think about all the bad things in life. Actually, I have many things to hold on to and fight for like my family, my wife, my friends, my life.
I will also hold on to things like continuing to create content, finishing my third book, continuing to love because in this dance with death she cannot wait for me with her arms crossed.

In this dance with death I will continue to fight for life.

Note: The photos are my own taken with my Samsung J2.
I used the translator Deepl Translate


I hope te new test give the same negative result. Stay strong my friend.

Great advices by the way.

Thank you very much brother.
Hopefully so because it's a kidney and you know what that means. Anyway, we're going strong and we'll see what happens. Love to you. Happy journey. Cheers and best regards.

Ánimo amigo y no pienses negativo , todo lo contrario , una persona que se dedica tanto a amar como tú , la vida siempre le sonríe y sabemos que la muerte es inevitable pero que espere un poco 🤭🤭, un saludo enorme y mucha salud por delante ❤️❤️

Muchas gracias amiga querida..
Créeme que estoy siendo lo más positivo que puedo. Recién pasé una situación difícil con la próstata y dentro de lo malo que es la hiperplasia prostática lo menos malo es que la benigna, pero debo seguir haciendo pruebas porque mi padre murió de cáncer de próstata.
Salgo de eso y ahora un riñón. Pero, bueno, es la vida y vamos parriba del lío, como se dice por ahí.
Estoy refugiándome en las cosas que me gusta y viviendo.
Gracias por estar y ser.
Feliz jornada.
Salud y saludos.

Me niego a leer noticias malas. Usted será eterno porque es un hombre de bien que ama intensamente la vida y a su Estela. Los consejos que da son muy buenos. En fin mi amigo ánimo y converse con su cuerpo y dígale que usted tiene que ponerse bien que hay mucho machete que dar todavía, que seguir para adelante. Un abrazo a su familia bonita.

Muchas Gracias por su apoyo permanente y su generosidad. Es cierto lo que dices y lo he asumido de esa manera. Feliz jornada. Salud y saludos para usted y los sus Julios