Rexxi from Splinterlands | Needlework monday

Hi guys I am here again after a week and my this post is for the needle work Monday contest started by the same name community in which I am participating needle work Monday, Do you remember guys what I did last Monday yeah it was really adorable mixed embroidery stitch upon of lotus pond out of French button stitch which was very much appreciated and I am so glad to see such engaging comments this time I am doing first time a character take I use for making this character of splinterlands for making this character I used wool threads and the colour including green, dark green for his skin and for his tongue I used red and pink otherwise black and white were also used I hope you guys good like this like always now let's get started with the procedure.


Embroidery is very satisfying project and a lot of and it is also very hard work to make something perfect out of threads as in case of painting you can remove over you can add an other layer of colour if you do something wrong but anybody it is quite hard to alter the original shape.

  • In first step with the help of removable pencil or pointer make the whole sketch of the figure as you can see in the image I used permanent pointer but if you will wash it is easily washable as well as the whole friend will cover this that's so it is not a problem.

  • It was my mistake that I did outline in first step I think you should do this in the last step as done it makes hard to feel with other thread.

  • I used the same colour threads as we can see in the original art as well as in the steps for making eyes are used white thread.

  • Now it is time to fill those spaces with the colours first I used dark green for that shaded area.

  • Now come the last part of this embroidery fill the remaining spaces with that green thread a lot of time for making such thing as it was made out of threads completely so don't forget to give your suggestions below.

Final look 😁✨

That's it guys this was alpha today's post I hope you guys would like it like always don't forget to give your suggestion below I am looking forward to your amazing friendly comments and suggestion below see you next time.


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@mojiko-blog Hermoso😍, muy bonita forma de inspirar y animar al arte del bordado 🪡, Saludos 🤗

In fact I didn't understand the language but thanks for appreciating my content ☺️😊👍🏼

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It turned out splendid, I like the color changes that the shadows provide to the figure. Great job.
Best regards.

Yeah and whenever I draw something as well shading is very important it gives a perfect and exceptional look 💘😍

 14 days ago  

You did an excellent job with this embroidery, it looks great. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for your appreciation I'll try doing more and better 😁.

wow that looks so beautiful you are amazing. keep up the good work. have a great day and week ahead.

Thanks for the appreciation.

I enjoy embroidery too, congrats that you made it turn out to be a great artwork!

You are really creative with everything. The details on your work are great!✨

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As you know I've been trying this new skill since late winter and now it is improved and you yourself can figure out the results.
Thanks for your support ☺️

You know the color of Rexxi is perfectly blending with the background {green trees}. It's beautiful.

Yeah this shot is perfect.

I always wondered how did people who do thread embroidery to transfer the figure on the fabric, I thought the pencil was not suitable but seeing your process and your result, I will definitely encourage me to try it because that was the main point that stopped me (insecurity of damaging or staining the fabric) 😮 👌 💚 Super cool your project! Lots of kudos for the result ✅ ✨

Thanks for your appreciation.
Yeah we cannot decide the results without trying them ourselves.
You should must give it a try.

Wow!! I know for a fact that this is amazing. The details every single thing. Wow!!!