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RE: NeedleWork Your Barbie Contest! - 2024 Edition

Good morning to all NeedleWorkMonday friends 😃. Tagging some members to invite you to participate in this new round of NeedleWork Your Barbie contest!

@creacioneslelys @jonalyn2020 @carolinacardoza @glorydee @gabimramirez @ivycrafts @leidimarc @tibaire @youyowi @doriscova8 @eveyese1312 @mariela-b @monica-ene @amiegeoffrey @belkyscabrera @littlesorceress @tesmoforia @lauracraft @irenenavarroart @clareartista @afrikablr

Feel free to invite anyone who wants to participate. Everyone is welcome ❤️!


Thank you very much for the invitation @needleworkmonday, I hope I have time to do something cool to my Barbie. Happy start of the week.

Thank you for the mention, time to get creative👸

Thank you for the mention😘, very soon I will show you my work of this contest that I like so much. Very nice theme to inspire us in how beautiful and colorful flowers are. Greetings and thank you very much

Omg, thanks a lot, lets do this.

@yulilemus quiero ver la tuya.

Claro que sí ☺️ ya veremos que nos sale. Gracias por la mención.

What a nice contest, I got excited just reading about it. I'm going to get to work to participate.

I invite @ariannamc and @aurodivys.

Que bonito concurso, me emocione de solo leerlo. Me voy a poner manos a la obra para participar.

Invito a @ariannamc y @aurodivys.

Gracias por la invitación, querida @leidimarc. Ya pensando en qué haré para participar en este hermoso concurso de la comunidad. Saludos, un abrazo.

Saludos querida amiga, me imagino algo muy bello, en donde el tejido seguro tendrá mucho que ver.

Thanks for the invitation, I will see how to participate since my girls who have Barbie are far away from me, in another country, but we will try to participate.

Thank you so much for the invitation🫂

Thank you very much for the invitation, I will be thinking from now on, what to do for my daughter's Barbie and I will come up with something nice, the flower theme is wonderful, I love it.❤️