House with unusual decoration

in NeedleWorkMonday4 months ago

Good Monday to all our creative community!!! I hope this week has been productive for you and that you are doing well!

What do you think of this building? This is not a creative house. This is the most ordinary house in the area called Old Town.

I don't know who created all this. And I don’t think it’s the work of one needlewoman, although of course anything can happen. And I also don’t know who exactly came up with this brilliant idea to decorate this house so amazingly. But it looks amazing!

It is not for nothing that the Old Town district bears this name. The buildings here are old, dating back to the time of Turkish rule in Palestine. Many houses are gradually being destroyed. Some are bought and rented to later turn into hotels. But not this house. On the ground floor there is a boutique store, next to it there is a cafe. But the top floor is unfortunately abandoned. And then someone decided to hide it from view so skillfully that you wouldn’t immediately guess what was under these cheerful circles.

I’m interested in whether the needlewoman (or needlewomen) who made all this beauty know that their work was hung for the entire city to see.

This is a real explosion of creativity! To be honest, I don’t even know what this needlework technique is, what it’s called. At first I thought it was one of the crochet techniques but now I think I was wrong. Maybe you can tell me?

I am simply delighted with such a stunning idea to decorate a house on the very central street of the Old Town in such a unique way!
(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!!!


This is amazing!. It seems to me that this technique is called "Dream Catcher". I remember that it is on my list of fabrics to learn. I put it on hold because I can't find the hoop that supports the dream catcher. They come in different designs, sizes and colors and that's the fun of it. Thanks for showing us, that place is already different and full of colors. Big hugs!.

Thank you. I've never even heard of this craft technique

This is simply amazing. So thoughtful to be put together. A beautiful work of art.

I love everything about it. Very colourful and neatly made.

Thank you. I'm very glad that you like it

Yay! 🤗
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