Art is everything

in Hive Diy16 days ago

It's International Museum Day people! I know we celebrate a lot of things but never had I thought that International Museum Day is celebrated and I know a lot of people too do not know this as well.

Museums will forever be the heart of history, preserving our culture and heritage in a well-structured building is something to be proud of. I love the fact that museums don’t just protect and preserve these artifacts they also teach thereby promoting and transferring our culture from one generation to another.


Just the way I love going to museums and having a feel of historical events so I love going to art galleries and appreciating artists and their talents.

Like they say art is life and life is art as artists draw inspiration from any and everything. One thing I love about art is that there is no standard rule guiding the interpretation of an artwork. Whatever interpretation you can deduce from an artwork is valid and unique.

I love how artists are able to express their thoughts and emotions through their works and how to some of them their works are all the therapy that they need in this world and I love how their imaginations run wild and they are able to turn their imaginations into reality.


I love the fact that the world has moved from where most parents would frown at their kids wanting to be artists to parents helping their kids harness their God-given talent from a very young age.

I love the fact that artists are not classified as being broke or jobless anymore because they spend time bringing things to life, the fact that artists are making waves and that society is celebrating them every day is a dream come through.



My friend @soniadee and a group of friends decided to go to an art gallery recently. At first, I wasn’t really excited to go because I had so much to do but when I got to the art gallery I was in awe. I have always known that people are talented but when I saw some amazing pieces my respect grew for these artists.


Of all the pieces we saw I was blown away by the painting in the toilet, our beloved toilet wasn’t spared as the painting got to that point too and the artist did a good job.
The moment I saw this particular painting I moved from giggling to commending the artist, the more I took in everything the more I smiled as the artist was a genius. Recreating activities that take place in the toilet was no easy feat, like who does that?😂



This artist Olaleye showed us what it means to remove one’s mask and be true to oneself. For the few minutes I stared at this piece I thought about the human race, how humans hide behind a mask and act like who they are not but at the end of the day we all know our true selves when the mask is removed.


This painting was made on the ceiling


Being a visual person I have imagined this artist making this painting while on a ladder and all I can say is Wow!

Just the way I stared and stared at this particular piece at the gallery but I still cannot phantom what message this artist was trying to pass across in this piece but regardless I applaud him as this wasn’t easy to pull off.


I found so many of the pieces fascinating and as I took a look at them I couldn’t help but wonder what might have been going on in the various artists minds when they were coming up with these pieces.



Shoutout to all the artists out there who work tirelessly to do what they love to do, you all are superstars and happy International Museum day to all the museum in the world🥰🥰

This is my entry to the #mayinleo monthly prompt, to find more details about it you can check it in this post.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 15 days ago  

Thank you so much🥰

These are very beautiful artwork, I hope to visit a museum soon too, thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much and you definitely will visit a museum soon☺️

It's a pleasure.

I really like clay crafts. If I could my ornaments would all be made of this material. Thanks for taking us along for the ride. A hug 😘💜

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Hehehehe, even in the toilet, our own dear toilet wasn't spared, lolz
This is beautiful..artist express themselves through their work and glaring at those beautiful art work leaves one in awe
Looks like I am the only one who haven't visited a museum in real life...I should do the needful
Thanks for sharing
All the way from dreemport

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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That man wants to appear in your selfie by all means 😂

I too never knew Museum has a special day to be celebrated until now.
This is beautiful...

The paint in the toilet! I would feel so secure. 😂😂

I hope to visit a museum, too, one of these days.

A #dreemerforlife

It's been so long i last visited a museum. The pictures taken are beautiful but i never knew they allow pictures..or is these the outer layer of the museum?
