Rise of the Pixels - New Game I AM Playing

in Pixels Communitylast month (edited)


I thought I would give this new game a try, @riseofthepixels. I had forgotten it had launched back near the end of April, but it popped up somewhere in my feed and I went to take a look.

You are basically a studio creating games using a developer (and sometimes designers) to make a game and then sell it to earn the token. You gave various accessories that increase the abilities of your staff, and you also can do research to increase your abilities.

You must buy the license to become a studio for $8 (paid in Hive). You are guaranteed a developer card because you need a developer to create the games.


I received a developer, Veronica Lowe, and an accessory that is a pair of head phones.


I immediately assigned the headphones to the developer to increase her abilities. To do this I clicked on the icon for the headphones, clicked on the headphones and hit confirm.



I also checked out the market and purchased a keyboard to assign to her.


After I had assigned the accessories I went to do some research onto increase other abilities. The only research available to me for Text was Text Engine that had a certain cost in PXLs and speed. I chose that one (it would also be for the PC gaming platform).


After I had assigned the research I started looking at creating a game. As I was looking the game gave me an indication of which type of game might be popular and a money maker.


Unfortunately, I needed a developer to actually create the game. Oops, I had already assigned her to research. I decided to go and buy a pack hoping for another developer. But I will save that take for the next post.

If it sounds interesting to you here is the link to read the rules.


If you would like to use my referral link to play the game.


