Trying Rise of the Pixels - First Game Released!


Welcome to my second post about @riseofthepixels. I wanted to develop my first game. Unfortunately, I had assigned my developer to research. This meant I had to go buy another pack to maybe get a developer in that pack. I was lucky.


After adding the keyboard I began to plan out the game. I choose a pirate game because that was the type of game indicated. I was thinking I might choose something besides the indicated type of game for future development.


RotP gives you a choice on how to allocate the points in relation to Engine, World development and etc. I chose what I thought might be the best mix.



I had to choose the time to work on the game. Toto recommended 12 or 24 hours. This made more points available to allocate. I chose 24 hours and this made the cost a little over 93 pixel coins to develop. In the next post I will mention how the game did after release and the second game I began working on.

My previous post is here.

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