Hive can take it

in Holozing Community3 months ago

Some things I wanted to discuss in this post will be regarding Holozing and the way it works to fund the game's system and maybe advice on newer projects being built on it.

I've "invested" in quite a few hive projects I deemed worthy of some Hive/delegations over the years before we launched Holozing, aside from it being fun such as Terracore where you didn't really think too much about the returns and projects like Woo where you knew the token distribution but liked the idea and what it does apart from the token to want to invest anyway, there's some takeaways from the way they worked which I've wanted to implement into Holozing.

One thing from terracore for instance was the fair launch of the in-game token where none would go extra to the team or founder. The other thing from Woo was that delegators could get part of the inflation which has worked quite well for Holozing, especially with Hive (hopefully) appreciating in value over time it'll make development cheaper as we liquidate the curation rewards.

The current, starter phase, won't last forever, though. While currently delegators are earning most of the issuance, there'll come a time where they'll start competing against collection rewards and then we'll also introduce player rewards.

Now to the point of this post, the cost to the development is of course coming from Hive being sold. To some that may seem like a bad thing and it's understandable as Hive itself already has so many usecases and many would like to use it and see it being powered up and held instead. The bet here is not just that Holozing does well, but that it also empowers Hive and brings in a lot more people or keeps people here and powered up/delegating.

I believe that so far, it has done that last part extremely well. Of course it's hard to measure how many or how much Hive it has kept staked compared to it being liquidated and sold off in terms of people who've chosen to delegate, but what can be measured is its continues success in terms of price and APR given to delegators, staking rewards and liquidity providers.

As I'm writing this post the price of Zing is at its lowest (0.009 hive/zing)



Some may look at the price going down and think it's bad, but it's actually quite good. There's been a lot of sell and buy pressure and that the token is still offering 2x higher returns to delegators than curation rewards while Bitcoin is at all time high and Hive is moving up by 25% in a week, I'd say it's a good sign. Though be warned that it might drop lower from here so don't take what I say here as a reason to buy into unless you're in it for long term the way I've been.

Back to the point, I'm very happy and glad how things have gone with zing so far, the best part is that not only does it give devs a coin they can cash out of (hive), but the LP also give people the option to make big trades either short or long which can't be said about all tokens on hive-engine/hive's layer 2's. I noticed a few days ago there was a token I had divested I wanted to buy Zing with, but there was literally no liquidity, the spread was something like -60% and even then there weren't enough hive in buy orders to fulfil my sale.

I don't want to point any fingers as to which tokens, but instead, show that people can launch tokens in other ways utilizing hive properly. Naturally you can't assume the same launch success as Holozing cause Hive is quite limited, especially powered up ones. The uniqueness of Holozing is also that there was no team or founder share which many may not easily part with which may have caused it to do better.

Token for HP delegation. This is something that to us should come quite easily but outsiders may not understand. Trust me I had some discussions with some lawyers recently and it took quite a while for them to understand the concept. Aside from receiving funding to continuously fund a project you can also use it to "market" or "promote" the project. The lawyers eyes opened up when I mentioned we have so much fanart and already 2000+ accounts from a project that's yet to even launch a playable game or tradable nfts. All in good time, though!

This is something unique to Hive and it's one of its strengths and also why we're showcasing the amazing fanart created by our amazing community on There's ways to delegate on other chains, like eos or cardano but other than giving kickbacks for block producer rewards there's no value being created in the forefront.

Hive's layer 1 is mostly going to the community, not only can't you find this anywhere else but it also won't be re-created in my opinion. All these "" and "podsters" or whatever they're called will try and run with the "DeSo" name but they're neither decentralized nor fairly distributed. They have debt to their investors and shareholders and it'll be the pitfalls of web2 social media all over once controversies start to occur.

Okay, I'm side-tracking again.
While Hive surely could be doing better, in the end Hive can take the extra sell pressure to fund the project, pay devs and scale the project up later. That was one of my main points of this post. Not everyone will like it but it defeats having devs that can't sell your token because it's not worth anything when they need the pay or expect new tokens to just keep performing well all the time and assume there's enough demand in this small community that will most likely sell your token off for its L1 especially when it's finally moving up a little. :)

It's like if people were mad at Bitcoin core devs for selling their Bitcoin or ETH devs selling their ETH foundation grants, you can't get mad at people selling a token if they're providing something in exchange. If the exchange is net positive for both is of course to be seen, but with the founder (myself) and many team members being long hive you can bet that the project will always have hive's greater good in mind.

Lastly, Zing, similar to Hive, even though they share many similarities, needs to be said that they're long-term focused. So don't FOMO into anything expecting to see returns, it's still quite a small community similar to Hive on the grand scale of things. The important parts are that we are taking things slow and steady and have started things as well as we could have, to some it has even exceeded expectations (me being some, which I'm grateful for).

I hope we can soon share news on the starter sale date, which, if the price of Hive keeps up, means will come with an additional discount to hive holders. ;)

Thanks for reading.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You're doing it the right way, which is why Holozing is going to succeed, which is why I've been betting on it and into it since I first read about it. I for one don't even bat an eye about devs selling to fund the project they are working on, or even selling because they need to get paid like the rest of us. Pushing projects like this forward will have a way bigger impact on Hive price (in a positive way) than the minimal pressure selling will provide.

Not an expert in tokenomics, but the fact that $ZING has no maximum supply disturbs me. Let's say, $SPS and $GODS have it (according to, and that makes them more interesting to investors, as I see it.

Not sure how the mentioned games will keep rewarding players when the tokens end. Maybe, they'll decrease $SPS /$GODS rewards when the USD price is large due to scarcity of the tokens? No idea.

If everything is fine, $ZING might enter large exchanges one day, so worth thinking about this. Let's say, Gods Unchained probably got good funds when they entered the last bull market at its end in October 2021.

There's a few reasons it doesn't have a cap, it's not meant to artificially create scarcity and to reward players and investors over many years to come in different ways. We also have plans to use the token, both as players and as the project, so it'll be more a balance between how much is being created compared to demand and how much is being burned. While it doesn't have a cap it doesn't mean we'll just wildly keep printing millions.

Hive works similarly in a way, once the inflation drops down to 0.5% yearly it'll go back to being inflationary as far as I understand.

I've been watching this whole thing take shape, from the sidelines. I think once I see the actual game, I might give it a shot.

Seems like you got all your ducks in a row.

I'm hesitant though when it comes to stuff like this. Don't want to put money and attention into something before it's something. If it turns out to be something I wasn't expecting, I'm not tied down. Don't have to freak out or take money out and fuck everyone else somehow. Or sit there holding, waiting for changes that might never come. Or writing long ass comments covering everything that's wrong with this world lol.

When it comes to games, all I want out of them is enjoyment. Kick back and kill off a few hours having fun. Tokens don't get me too excited so I don't feel like I'm missing out just watching things develop.

And I just wanted to add: If delegations are the way of the future, I think the blockchain should add a feature that makes them expire after 12 months. Similar to witness votes. But that's probably a story for another day.

This is very encouraging and inspiring. This is what really made me stay in the Hive blockchain. Most of the projects/games are building for the long term. If they wanted pump and dumps, they would have built on the BSC or Polygon. Hive has been volatile, but I hope your release coincides when it is high haha.

Great work, great project, great community, great prospects, great ethos.

Nuff said!

I keep getting zing thanks to the swap. It's nice to think that this project will strengthen hive and bring new players and investors.

Thank you for this update. I enjoy reading them and learning more about what you are doing. We need to keep looking at this in the long term. I like that you are taking your time and doing things right. We too will need time to adjust as Holozing becomes playable. Good success with all of this.

Reading about your efforts and invested resources in the $ZING project makes me realize that you are a gem. It's good you choose to do it right and build it strong and profitable from the very beginning. Certainly, the Holozing project will strengthen hive. Thank you for a job well done.


I wanted to buy Zing with, but there was literally no liquidity, the spread was something like -60%

Yeah I've been liking these low prices as I have all my liquidity in the LP automatically buying the dip and earning 70% APR and whatnot. And it provides the benefit of allowing others to buy and sell with less slip so it's really the best of both worlds. If the price keeps declining I may have to cannibalize this position and just start buying tokens straight up.

I've done that a couple times already, rode it down once from 0.06 or so. :D

My staking rewards looking juicy but looking to enter the LP again here soonish.

Is there going to be a point where the delegation rewards stop? I thought I saw that somewhere, but I can't remember now. It's possible I just imagined it or was thinking of a different project.

Not stop completely but get lowered over time based on certain factors, like we're not just going to lower it "for fun" or to "artificially create scarcity" but we're thinking collectors might challenge delegators based on how many packs they buy they might start taking some of the daily zing from delegators while waiting for the game to launch in which then players start earning collection rewards as well + player rewards in terms of pvp.

Okay, thank you!

i like that you keep giving updates like this. It gives me more confidence in the project, so i keep delegating & hodling.

On another note, i in-courage you to take a detailed look into #Ti22 gaming platform. i think Zing (and Splinterlands & all other Hive games) & Hive ecosystem could benefit hugely with a collaboration.


Disclosure: i HODL some $Ti

Please let me know your thoughts

Me encantó!!! Un post lleno de colores, toda una alegría y felicidad, espero seguir viendo este tipo de post por aquí, muchas felicidades!!!

To an extent, I will say it is really necessary for one to actually be able to make use of the zing token to invest in it now when it is still down

To some that may seem like a bad thing and it's understandable as Hive itself already has so many usecases and many would like to use it and see it being powered up and held instead

That's not a bad thing as long as the value it brings is more than what is being spent.

Lastly, Zing, similar to Hive, even though they share many similarities, needs to be said that they're long-term focused. So don't FOMO into anything expecting to see returns, it's still quite a small community similar to Hive on the grand scale of things.

Which are the other good coins in Hive second layer, don't worry, I have already conisdered your disclaimer.

Thank you.

As time goes on, I strongly believe that the value of the zing token will definitely goes up

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