Holo There

Back in mid-October, Holozing was announced publicly, which is a new game in production on Hive. It has been about six months since then. Also back in October, @acidyo the game's founder, speculated on the price of ZING, the in-game token. However, suffice to say, he was quite wrong for the most part, as throughout the drop so far, it has consistently outperformed what was the baseline, the possibility for curation.

I said @acidyo was wrong.


He really wasn't.

The reason is, that based on the calculations with the known variables at the time, it is what made sense, but those variables are always changing. Not only is the price of Hive shifting which affects the conversion, there is consistently delegations and undelegations that affect the amount people get. And, this affects what gets bought, sold and swapped also, which can affect the price heavily in any given moment.

The delegations are still sitting at a healthy 2.5 million Hive Power worth, which is over 2 million less than the peak. But, the delegations are going to depend on the returns, so when it started to near similar to curation, a lot of delegations were pulled. However, once they are pulled, the ROI goes up for those left, as they are going to get more ZING from the distribution.

And, this is also important.


For example, you might see that I am the second largest contributor as a delegator, behind @vcelier, earning almost 1.8 million ZING. However, I also significantly less holdings than him, because I was selling some in the early days, as the conversion to HIVE was just too good to overlook. What I was actually doing was swapping it on TribalDex, where for a short period, 1000 ZING was well over 100 HIVE. Currently, 1000 ZING is about 6.5 HIVE. I haven't swapped any for a while though now, and instead have been replenishing my holdings.


I crossed a million for the first time a couple days ago, and with the current 22% APR, that will attract another 200,000 over the next year. That is about 600 dollars worth in "old money". But, I am also for now at least, still delegating, though at a reduced rate, because I also like curating with some power at least. So now, I am at about 50/50 with delegation to keeping my own HIVE POWER available to vote.


The current APR on delegation has increased by a few percent over the last week or so, because of the undelegations I mentioned. This will likely also mean that for now at least, more of the delegators in the pool are similar to me, willing to hold.

As the game hasn't even been released yet, I don't know what is a little or a lot of ZING for the game, but the current supply sits at 44M and I have over 2% of that, so I figure I will be fine to play. I am also hoping that even after release, there will still be some bonuses of some kind for the early supporters, maybe in packs or healers or something.

For the game itself, it has been a little quiet lately, but I am confident that things are going on in the background still. It is always a bit hard in the HIVE space for this kind of development, because once the announcement goes out that a game is in production, people become impatient, or lose interest. However, game development takes time, so I am quite happy to ride it out for a while.

Timing-wise, I would be happier if the release of the first assets was when the HIVE markets are well up from here, because that means I would have been able to convert ZING to HIVE, and then HIVE to Holozing assets, easily putting in more value than I extracted. And, I am hoping that there will be more people on Hive (and off Hive) looking to get into the playable assets too. It would be fantastic to have a garage of well-supported games on Hive.

Once the playable assets come out, the real speculation will start, because if Holozing does end up doing well, it is going to be much better to be in early, than late. If the game has benefits to play like building character experience, again, it is better to be in early than late. If there are attractive bonuses to be early, well, be early. But, I have no idea what will actually happen, so I am speculating now.

ZING is an in-game token, not the game. There is so much more to come with Holozing, so that it isn't too late to start getting involved, whether through token collection, or in the community itself.

I think I will keep doing a bit of both.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I would delegate some HIVE if I had spare HIVE Power as the rate is not so low for an HIVE-Engine token.

Worth having a look into options, even with small amounts :)

I haven't checked the rankings in a while, and it is nice to see that the top 4 hasn't changed. Vcelier has increased his lead to the others, so he might not have sold any at all. Converting when it was 1k Zing : 100 Hive was genius.

I don't think Vcelier has sold any, or at least not very much.

Converting when it was 1k Zing : 100 Hive was genius.

It wasn't for long and came down steadily, but it was good times indeed.

Dang, I wish it was still 100 hive per 1000 zing. I would be making bank now. I noticed my daily earnings were up from where they had been. I am getting close to having 100k tokens staked, but I also have a decent amount locked in the LP too that I am not counting. I noticed that acid has been kind of quiet lately, but I think he mentioned he was sick.

I am not sure if the LP is giving rewards now, or they have been reduced at least. Yes, Acid has been a bit quiet, but has mentioned some things in the Discord.

It's still giving rewards, but yes it is significantly reduced from where it was at the launch. It looks like it is about 37% now, so not too far off from the staking percentage.

Hehe am speculating too! Haha. Just happened to write about ZING a few days ago as well!

It is good to keep up with what is happening! :)

Well I guess it's something we should consider especially delegating for it