An entire sheer cliff full of Anemone coronaria

in Visual Shots3 months ago


We are entering the period of one of my favorite flowers - Anemone coronaria or as we in Bulgaria call it Съсънка.

Its leaves are very similar to poppies, that is why it is also called Poppy Anemone.





Single species are still found in Burgas region, but soon some of the meadows will be filled with it and it will be a real pleasure to admire it.

My first such large-scale encounter with so many Anemone this year happened at Listi Beach on the Southern Black Sea coast.


I came across an entire sheer cliff covered in hundreds of Anemone.



I got on it and happily found a comfortable place among the flowers. I started looking at them and taking pictures.


Apart from the pink Anemones, which are the most common, I also saw white ones.


I also saw a red Anemone that day.


From Wikipedia I find more names of the Anemone - Spanish marigold and Wind flower.

Another interesting thing (from Wikipedia) related to the name "Anemone coronaria":

means "crowned anemone", referring to the central crown of the flower, evoking regal associations.


I have a great desire to see live the species of Anemone pulsatilla, which is called Kitten. Extremely beautiful and very useful as an herb. But I haven't had a chance to meet her yet.

sourse: wikipedia

Thank you for stopping by!


Very nice shots dear friend @vesytz as always, thanks for sharing :)

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Thank you very much @dimascastillo90 🤗

Nice photos keep up with the good work 🙏

Thank you @sommylove 😇

Welcome 🤗🤗

The pictures are extraordinarily beautiful, especially the flower picture at the top during the service, I really like it

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