Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Splinterlands is six years

in Splinterlands15 days ago

Greetings to all Splinterlands warlocks, I am here once again, and I welcome you all to my blog as well, Today, I write to submit and share my entry to the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. This week we have a new topic that follows the theme "Splinterlands Sixth Anniversary". I will share with you all my opinion about that. Without much ado, let us dive into the topic straight forward.

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As I promised in my previous post, I will be sharing my Splinterlands journey as a way of celebrating the sixth anniversary of the Splinterlands game. Hearing that Splinterlands is almost six years old is amazing and surprising. My journey on the Splinterlands game has been a great one, and I would like to share it with you all here again.

I joined this game in February 2023 and since then I have been battling all day. This indicates that I am a year and some months old in the game. This is quite interesting to me and I am excited to be part of this great community. I found out about this game when I joined the Hive blockchain and through the Splinterlands community where a lot of members write and share their articles related to the game, I used to read a lot from that community and later developed an interest in the game.

As a gamer, I quickly did my research on the game and decided to invest in it right away without wasting much time. Now I play as a seasoned veteran where I make sure that I participate in every season of the game. Even with how busy I have been for the past months, I always make sure I play to earn some rewards before the season comes to an end. It is so exciting and interesting to play the game.

When it comes to accomplishments I can say that my recent one is reaching the Diamond League and currently battling in there. Mind you, I am playing in Wild format and that format is quite easy as compared to the Modern format. The reason is the fact that real players are more in the Modern than at Wild. Wild is full of bots as they usually say and it is quite easy to win battles there.

My next achievement or goal is to play in the Champions League and there I can say I would have had the taste of all the leagues or levels in the game. I also aim to level up most of my cards so I can start playing the Modern format as well. It is also among my goals to increase the number of workers on my Land so they can work and harvest more grains.

As a beginner in the Splinterlands game, I would advise that you learn more about the abilities and rulesets to understand the type of cards or monsters to select and use in battles. That is the easiest way to understand the gameplay. This game isn't anything complex and don't panic when you register.

Click on the link here to join the game; https://splinterlands.com?ref=abu78

Thank you all for your time and attention, I look forward to seeing you all in my subsequent posts.

All cards and ruleset images were taken from here Splintercards


I designed this using canva


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Thanks for sharing! - @lenonmc21