Battle mage secret: Heavy Hitters

in Splinterlands17 days ago


This week battle secret is Heavy Hitters. I think one of the rule set / ability that is a bit underrated. At least in how I select my team. Knock out is not an ability I choose often.
With this ruleset units with stun are getting interesting.


All units gain the Knock Out ability.

- Does double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned. Stun is required to trigger Knock Out

Official ruleset information from splinterlands: List-of-In-Game-Rulesets

Abilities Synergies / Strategies

Stun - Already mentioned but stun is important with the knock out ability. Without stun units no monster is stunned so no monster will deal an known out punch.
Stun monster that is own:

Piercing - Assume monster is stunned then piercing could help effectively land those attack point when there is just 1 armor left and you have no piercing all damage is just absorbed by that 1 armor.
in this case also the summoner is great to play, i do not have it on diamond level there for I do not use it often.

Camouflage - When a unit cannot be targeted, no stun, so no knock out 😁

Every ability that enlarge the change that you opponent will miss are beneficial like:
Flying / Phase / blind / swiftness Slow Dodge

My best performing units:

Most played units:

Nice to see that there are not a lot of units with stun in these selection. Meaning that i probably not utilizing the knock out ability very often.


I cannot think of any specific unit or ability that I would avoid. A general rule of thumbs is i.m.o. try to avoid low speed monster. This because it is easier to land stun on monsters with low speed, if you miss not stun can be done.

Example battle


High mana battle that has the heavy hitters rule set. Not sure if i will be utilizing this with stun unit. Often I do not see the benefits and with only life i can only select:

The temporal master will not be selected due to the recharge.


Equal Opportunity:
All units will gain the opportunity ability. meaning all units will be attacking the lowest health units.

Heavy Hitters:
This week rule set. All unit will gain the knock out ability will only be utilized with stun units.

All unit will gain the fury ability. This will do double damage to martyr.

The Lineup


I want to go for two high bloodlust units that needs to be buffed by martyr and when they start killing it will swift game 🤞

Monsters Lineup


Uriel the Purifier (lvl 4)
Very strong unit with the heal this is one the few units i like even with recharge.
12 damage every other round.

Corsair Bosun (lvl 6)
Second unit has reach and can attack from this position.

Adelade Brightwing (lvl 4)
Important for this strategy because my Iziar will be killed very quickly, because of the taunt. It will resurrect My iziar and buffing adjacent units twice.

Jared Scar (lvl 4)
First bloodlust unit important that it has piercing. Love to play this unit with equal opportunity/melee mayhem or super sneak rule set.

Iziar (lvl 3)
Event with the taunt which is risky but it will can be killed instantly. But its in the team especially to be killed and boost my bloodlust units.

Captain Katie (lvl 4)
Second bloodlust unit. This gladius unit has magic attack so should be avoiding the shield and doing 6 damage after Iziar is killed twice.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle


Start :

Lets analyze the lineup. Luckily no grand master rathe. My Iziar will be killed very quickly because there are some strong units just hope his Jared scar will no start killing that might get out of control.

Round 1:


16 damage againt my Iziar instant kill, that might be to quick...
Both Jared scars made a kill. Killin my Iziar twice in one round so my blood lust units are buffed as expected.
Arkemis the Bear could also still reduce my bloodlust units that is another risk I did not toughed of on fore hand.

Round 2:


Shield reduce the damage to 5 from my jared scar. It did not kill him. My opponent jared scar did kill another boost for him.
pretty even match so far

Round 3:

Captain Katie take another kill setting her up with 8 damage now. Als again my opponents jared scar killed another unit. that now also has 10 damage.
At last the bear strikes with the halving knocking back the damage of my jared scar to 5. Katie will attack first so i think i will be fine at this point.

Round 4:

Katie increased again to 9 damage by killing his jared scar. The match is played. One more round.
Also the 12 damage of my Uriel the Purifier, which could attack first took one his Uriel the Purifier in one blow.

Round 5:



Even tough knock out did not have much use in this battle and i notice playing the last week i have not gotten the rule set often. Even when it was in the mix i almost never select a stun unit. When i did it was a lost or not an interesting battle. Looking forward to read your posts about knock out.

With that said i like this battle which demonstrate the strong plays with soulbound summoners and bloodlust unit in ranked play.

That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ruleset strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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