Dive into Splinterlands: A Gamer's Guide to Financial Success

in Splinterlands4 months ago

Well, whoever is on the hive, there would probably be very few people who do not play this game, but still, those who do not play the game here yet can join this game from the link or it is free for you in the beginning. You have to buy a starter pack for 10 dollars and then gradually as you keep getting interest in this game, you will keep investing in yourself and start earning Money. Once you start playing this game, you will become addicted to it and there are many ways to earn here, even if you do not like to play, there are still many ways that you can earn from here and Probably, many of our people must have seen that they are very bullish about SPS and are also engaged in doing this and they are getting a lot of benefit from this because in the next Bull run, its price will be pumped up very high and it will be more beneficial.

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Many people are investing in cards, lands and whatnot, I don't know much about things, I play basic and on and stake whatever I earn, this is my normal. There is a strategy but in the last few months, I have started giving more serious attention to this game because its earning is very good and very profitable. So today I am going to share some of my strategies with you through this post, maybe you like it or not, but if you want to know then keep reading this post continuously.

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Play and earn:

This is the easiest way to earn in this game. If you want to play here without investing then you can play for some time but if you want to earn then you will have to invest. Yes, you don't need to have all your cards. Here you earn by buying cards, and you can achieve a lot here even without having to buy, you can play with the card by renting it or if someone has delegated the card to you, then you can play with that also and improve your rank. Can. But yes, if you want to push your rank, then for that you will have to do SPS stake. The more SPS you stake, the higher rank you can go. You just have to keep playing until your energy becomes zero. Just keep fighting and go to learn things.

Without fighting, you will hardly be able to learn. Yes, first you have to understand a little basic so that things become much easier. You can learn a lot by going to the Happy Why page of Splinterlands. If you still don't understand then you can watch YouTube videos or join the community of Printer Lands and ask people there too. People are very helpful and maybe You will also learn by watching their battle, and making your strategy, many things can happen but this is the easiest way to earn here. Nowadays the rewards are also quite good.

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Buy/ rent :

As you go to play this game, you will see a lot of new cards and you will like the abilities of some and maybe you will even think of investing. Also, you have the option you either buy the card directly or can also take it on rent. Nowadays, renting the card has become much easier and there is a lot of fun too. You can also win battles by renting and boosting your rank if you have a sufficient amount of SPS staked. Now is a good opportunity to do so because the prices of the cards are very cheap right now. Yes, some cards are expensive but many cards are very cheap and the prices remain low till the next bull run comes. If you know how to say it then maybe. You will not be able to get such cheap prices. Still, if you don't want to buy, renting is a great option and you can't help but play this game regularly.

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Invest and stake:

If you do not like to play games then you can also take this game as an investment. You can rent the card on the market by making it permanent or you can also invest directly in SPS and you can stack it because SPS Stake too. The APR of doing is around 13.2%. yes it is less than HBD but still, if you want to diversify your profile then this is a great opportunity for you. You don't need to play this game every day, just forget about investing here and just keep watching your money grow.

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This is a very good way of earning and that too for a lifetime. If any player joins through your referral link and invests in this game, then you will get some earnings on every purchase and here very This is a great way because many people take the game very seriously here and we also invest a lot of money here. If you find a player who refers you to him and invests a lot, then you have to do nothing. Then you will get a lot of things and you do not get much credit and with credit, you can buy cards, rent and do many other things. If you have good followers on social media then you can earn good money through your referral link there and it will be here for a lifetime if those players remain active.

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Learn new strategy:

As you go on playing the game, you will learn many strategies and apply them in your battles and it is possible that your strategy will become very good and you will become a master in it. Yes, it takes time but enrollment is nothing. If you update the level of your cards, you will enjoy playing even more because according to the level of your cards, their abilities also increase If you play in the above league, you will get very good results by upgrading these cards.

So these were some of my strategies. How did you like this game? Please do tell by commenting.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

All the Images are Made Via Canva unless otherwise noted.

Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

If you are not playing the Splinterlands and Golem Overlord games then feel free to join my referral 😁

My splinterlands referral
My Golem Overlord referral
My HoloZing. Referral

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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Thanks & Regards

-----Together we will make this a better place-----

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!giphy wow

Wow, two badges in a row, that's awesome @bhattg! 🎉

Since day1 i have been hearing about splinterlands but i never tried it as i am not good at games. your article is motivating and tempting to try this game. will give a try soon.

!1UP Good work!


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not sure sometimes it does 😅

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I too most of the time just play and earn. It needs our constant investment to continue reaping the profit.


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It seems I understood the post quite well. I will try to keep all the points in my head when I will start playing the game. I am not sure when I will start playing the game and I don't know how much time I can remember all the points you mention but I will try my best to remember. Thank you for sharing.

Used to be a lover of this game but I lost track


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