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RE: Brawling and Battle Assistants - A Quick Look

in Splinterlandslast year

Hi, no I don't believe there is a way for someone to split usage from publicly available info.

You are right that it's now available to play without an XBot token.

So I went back to the data, and I just randomly looked up 10 of the 53 Tier 4 accounts in my dataset:

-7 have XBot tokens
-2 share XBot tokens across multiple accounts
-1 has an Archmage token

So 100% of the very small sample have access to a high quality service for free ranked battle assistance. I suppose they might want to pay occasionally but that doesn't seem likely to be the primary use case.


I was just wondering. I definitely think this is very interesting info.
I agree that ranked battles is probably not happening a lot, but still not sure if it's brawls or tournaments, though.

If you're paying the helper it's logical to assume that is for both formats, tournaments and brawls.