Battle of the Day #22

in Splinterlands14 days ago

Welcome to my new daily content: the battle of the day!

The battle:


This is a ranked Diamond match. The game has the following rule sets: Melee Mayhem, Blood and Sunder, and Holy Protection. I went with Akane to give 2 extra attacks to my powerful monsters. They're Venka and Jared Scar. With just 1 mana left, I placed Kra'ar Xoc and the Fiend in the first 2 slots. I usually prefer Chaos Agent but Xoc could be a nice way of taking away Divine Shield. They went with Chuul Jujinchi as their summoner. They opted for a Weapons Training team with Aves Sturgis between Pelacor Conjurer and Lurking Puffer. Next, they put Imperial Knight and the 2 Fiends. Since those 2 have speed abilities, it's a very nice advantage for them without spending any mana!

I gave the Ambush to the back 2 monsters. Venka missed the attack and Jared Scar took out the Divine Shield with its True Strike attack. In round 1, Venka missed again. They killed Kra'ar Xoc, which put their Pelacor on 7 HP, and got rid of the rest of their Divine Shields. With just 7 HP, my Jared Scar took out the Pelacor. In round 2, without the flier in front, my Venka stopped missing and took out their next 2 monsters. They got my Fiend but I left their Imperial Knight at 4 HP. I ended everything in round 3 with Venka taking out 2 more and Jared Scar finishing the last one. What a scary combination Jared Scar and Venka form in Melee Mayhem!

I hope you liked this new content!


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How are you doing?
You have a nice line-up in the arena.
Thank you for this informative article share in the community

Rewards shopping is too fun at the end of each season.
Splinterlands proposes many variables involved in one battle that there are many paths towards your goals.
Keep active in the arena
Happy Glint collection
Good luck